The government will soon start a pan-India helpline number for migrant workers to report their grievances, according to an official note.
The helpline, to be set up under the chief labour commissioner, will not be a toll-free number.
'Short code 14445 is allocated to office of chief labour commissioner (central) to set up a national helpline to be utilised for dealing with grievances or distress calls of migrant workers where calls of migrant workers from all-over India shall be attended at Delhi and be routed to the concerned regional control room to resolve the grievance,' DoT said in a short code allotment note on Tuesday.
It will be mandatory for all telecom operators to provide access to this number.
The helpline number will be 'metered service: called party pays' which means that charges will be incurred on calling 14445.
The Department of Telecommunications has also allocated 1930 and 1944 for emergency helpline. -- PTI