In the hot seat: KK Venugopal takes charge as Attorney General

Mon, 03 July 2017
KK Venugopal takes over as the next Attorney General of India. To his left. is former Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi. The decision to appoint 86-year-old Venugopal as the successor of Rohatgi was discussed before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US, Portugal and Netherlands.

PTI said that Venugopal had a meeting with the Prime Minister before his departure for the three-nation tour. When PTI reached out to Venugopal for his comments on the same, he said: I will speak only after the notification is issued.

Rohatgi asked the NDA government to not reconsider him for reappointment to the top constitutional post, the government had decided to appoint senior constitutional expert Venugopal as the Attorney General.
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