All stories by RediffGURU ANU KRISHNA

'My Wife Cheated Twice But I Still Love Her'
Rediff.com30 Aug 2024

rediffGURU Anu Krishna, co-founder of Unfear Changemakers, offers expert advice about...

'I've Lost Faith In Marriage'
Rediff.com28 Jun 2024

rediffGURU Anu Krishna, a mental health coach, offers advice on how to take charge of...

'I Am Bisexual And In Love. Please Help'
Rediff.com10 May 2024

rediffGURU Anu Krishna, a mental health coach and NLP practitioner, offers expert...

Want A Healthy Work-life Balance? Do This
Rediff.com16 Apr 2024

Instead of looking at your personal and professional life as two separate entities, you...

How To Deal With Heartache And Failure
Rediff.com10 Apr 2024

Success and failure are two sides of the same coin, says rediffGURU and Mental Health...

'Wife gets panic attacks. I am shattered'
Rediff.com9 Jan 2024

rediffGURU Anu Krishna, a mental health coach and NLP practitioner, offers expert...

How To Cope When Your Partner Ghosts You
Rediff.com7 Dec 2023

rediffGURU Anu Krishna offers advice on how to take control of your life and...

'My wife doesn't message or call me. What to do?'
Rediff.com24 Aug 2023

rediffGURU Anu Krishna, a mental health coach and NLP practitioner, offers expert...

ASK ANU: My Ex Is Blackmailing Me
Rediff.com28 Apr 2023

rediffGURU Anu Krishna , who is a mind/life coach and NLP trainer, wants you to talk...