Modi Losing The Gains In Kashmir
Rediff.com6 days ago

Those familiar with intricate Kashmir politics do not rule out further delay in the...

What Lies Ahead For J&K
Rediff.com13 Dec 2023

For the last four years since abrogation of Article 370, Kashmir-based political...

What Has Changed In Kashmir Since August 5, 2019?
Rediff.com4 Aug 2023

Restoration of peace and the normal routine of daily life, compared to the past, stands...

Can Azad Hope To Be J-K CM?
Rediff.com31 Aug 2022

As of now, Azad couldn't be in the BJP leadership's calculus. The BJP has been trying...

Kashmir Politics Stands Bereft Of Its Propellers
Rediff.com5 Aug 2022

At the moment, there appears to be no alternative political narrative to the one lying...

Why Terrorism Has Revived In Kashmir
Rediff.com18 Oct 2021

The sectarian killings by hit-and-run groups have revived and sharpened communal fears...

Accession Remains the Live-Wire of Kashmir Politics
Rediff.com8 Sep 2021

The festering dispute over the accession of Jammu and Kashmir stands out as one of the...

2 Years On: Uncertainty Over the Valley
Rediff.com5 Aug 2021

The political script for pre-2019 politics has gone with the wind and the writers of...

J&K Meeting: The High Political Cost
Rediff.com29 Jun 2021

The high table might have yielded relief at personal levels, but its political...

Modi's Kashmir Invite: What Lies Ahead?
Rediff.com23 Jun 2021

>All old signposts have been uprooted and milestones bulldozed. New ones have yet to...

BJP's 'Mehbooba dilemma'
Rediff.com5 Apr 2021

If Mehbooba is 'allowed' to survive unchecked she could transform her campaign into a...

Playing for dangerously high stakes in volatile Kashmir
Rediff.com21 Aug 2019

'As of now, this one move seems to have precariously altered the balance of forces on...

How BJP was outsmarted in Kashmir
Rediff.com22 Nov 2018

'Although the tactical move to outflank the BJP fell through with New Delhi's decisive...

Fountainhead of unrest in Kashmir: August 9, 1953
Rediff.com9 Aug 2018

'Aggravated fears about the fate of Article 370 and Article 35A of the Constitution...

Mehbooba's fears about BJP are not unfounded
Rediff.com17 Jul 2018

'Her tussle is a different ballgame from what it was when Farooq Abdullah and Rajiv...

Mehbooba had no clue about the BJP coup
Rediff.com21 Jun 2018

'From what I know of her,' says Mohammad Sayeed Malik -- the distinguished doyen of...

Who killed Shujaat Bukhari and why?
Rediff.com15 Jun 2018

'Bukhari's case falls into that rare category where the precise determination of the...

Revealed: How Mehbooba got tough with the BJP
Rediff.com15 Apr 2018

'Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti acted single-mindedly right from day one of the three...

Two years after Mufti: Mehbooba firmly takes charge
Rediff.com7 Jan 2018

However, not an inch of movement has taken place on the implementation of the 'Agenda...

The BJP's new 'Mission Kashmir'
Rediff.com26 Oct 2017

'It is the impression in Kashmir that if ever a realistic resolution of the...