Welcome to Rediff Shopping Customer Care
Please ensure to select a query that best relates to your question.
This will enable us to provide a quick and accurate response.
Frequently Asked Questions about |
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- Create a new account
- Login and logout of your account
Steps to login or logout of your account:
Steps to login:
- Click the Sign in link located at the top right corner of Rediff Shopping homepage
- Enter your email address and password
- Click on login (tab) to log into your account
Step to logout:
Click the Sign Out link located in the top right corner of our homepage
Does this answer your query?
- Update your personal account information
Steps for Updating Your Personal Information:
- Login with your email address you used to register
- Click on Order Status on the top right corner of Rediff Shopping homepage
- Select Edit Account details option and click on continue button
- Re-enter the details i.e. Email Address, Name, Billing Address, etc. that you wish to change and follow instructions
- Click continue to update your information
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- Update or change your address
- View your Order History
Steps for Reviewing Your Order history:
- Forgot your account information
If your shopping email ID is lost / forgotten, we are unable to retrieve the same. You are requested to register as a new shopper and keep your ID and password safe for future shopping.
Does this answer your query?
- Forgot your Rediff Shopping ID password
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- How do I place an order?
Steps to place your first order:
- Find products using search or browse
Search for Products
- To search for a product of your choice, just enter the name of the product or category in the search text box present on the top of Rediff Shopping Homepage and click on Search.
- The page that will follow will give you the desired results along with a choice to sort in ascending or descending order as per the price range.
Browse products by category
- On Rediff Shopping homepage, you can find all shopping categories listed below the search text box.
- Just click on View All Categories link at the far right corner of these listed categories and explore the products of your choice.
Find a specific product
- You can type the name of the specific product on the Search text box or browse through specific categories to which the product must belong to find the specific product.
Find a branded product
- To search for a branded product of your choice, just enter the name of the product and brand or category and brand in the search text box present on the top of Rediff Shopping Homepage and click on Search.
- The page that will follow will give you the desired results along with a choice to sort in ascending or descending order as per the price range.
Find more information on the product
- Check warranty information on the product
- Product has a disclaimer, what is a disclaimer?
- Add products to the shopping cart, remove products from shopping cart
- Review Shipping fees and Octroi charges
- Proceed to checkout
- Sign-in to place an order
For New Users: You need to create a Rediff Shopping ID by signing up on Rediff Shopping homepage
You can use your Rediffmail ID or use any other email ID from other email service providers to register with us and place an order through Rediff Shopping
For Existing users: Click on Sign in link found on top of Rediff Shopping homepage
Does this answer your query?
- I have forgotten my account information, how do I retrieve it?
If your shopping email ID is lost / forgotten, we are unable to retrieve the same. You are requested to register as a new shopper and keep your id and password safe for future shopping.
Does this answer your query?
- I have forgotten my password what should I do?
- Click on Sign in link on top right corner of Rediff.com homepage
- Enter the email address you used while creating the account
- Click on forgot password? link found just below the Go button
- You will need to give your username and click on please continue link
- You will then need to give your alternate email ID or answer the hint question
- Once your identity is confirmed, your password will be sent to you on your alternate email address
Please Note:
Users who have registered with Rediffmail email ID: Existing password will be sent to your Rediffmail ID
Users who have registered with Non-Rediffmail email ID: New password will be sent to the email ID that you have used during registration
Does this answer your query?
- Review, update, change shipping address
- Provide payment details
You can pay by using any of the below mentioned methods
- Rediff Shopping Security Features
- Submit your order
Post completing payment, submit your order and Order details will be shown on successful registration of the order
Does this answer your query?
- Check your order status
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- Can I cancel my order? How to cancel my order?
- Adding or modifying products in your shopping cart
- Can I change my order?
- Order status terms
There are various statuses that determine the stage of the order. The status as would be visible for your order is as below:
Order Registration > Order Approval > Order Dispatch > Order Delivery
- Registered - You need to follow 3 easy steps to place your order. Step 1: Sign in to your shopping account; Step 2: Update shipping and/ or delivery address; Step 3: Complete your payment details. On successful registration of your order with us, you will see the order details (Order number) on the very next page
- Approved - Time taken for order approval depends on the mode of payment. E.g. Credit card or debit card orders are approved instantly while cheque / DD orders are approved only after the receipt of the payment i.e post cheque clearance.
- Credit card/ Debit card/ Net banking - Order gets approved once the payment is realized against your order number, till then the order status shown would be .Awaiting bank approval.
- Cheque/DD - Order gets approved once your payment is realized against your order number post clearance of cheque/ DD received by us. You can opt for arranging for cheque pick up. The order status here will be .Awaiting Cheque/DD.
- COD - For orders chosen under cash on delivery option, certain situations require a confirmation of the order from the shopper. This is done by calling, so please confirm your order on call. Post your confirmation; your order will be approved. Until then the order status will read .COD confirmation required.
- Declined - The payment has not been cleared by the bank and the order will not be processed further
- Cancelled - Post registering an order, the shopper requests for order cancellation and once the order is cancelled, order status will read as .cancelled.
- Dispatched - Order is dispatched by the vendor on shipping address provided by you. You can check your email for more details of the dispatch details to track your order
- Delivered - Your order is delivered on the shipping address provided by you.
At any given point, if an order is in any of the above status, the same is communicated to the shopper via email and SMS. You can also Track Your Order by sending an SMS, Track to 57333
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You can register for the 3D Secure password for your credit/debit card by visiting your bank.s website. Please find below some of the banks link for your quick reference.
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Tell us how we can help you. Call toll free - 1800 266 2333 9 am to 9 pm everyday except Public Holidays.