The Rediff Special / Madhumita Chakraborty
The Adventurers
Bachendri Pal, 43: She was one of seven children
born to a farmer in Uttarkashi, Uttar Pradesh. Her parents, who
could not afford to educate their other children, educated her up to
the B Ed degree, hoping she would become a teacher. Naturally, they
were ''devastated'' when she chose to climb mountains instead.
Today, of course, they are proud of Bachendri, the first Indian
woman to conquer Mount Everest. She is currently employed as deputy
divisional manager (adventure programmes), Tata Steel Adventure
Anita Sarkar, 40: Also a trained mountaineer. She met Bachendri
at a pre-Everest camp and has been inclined to go mountaineering
with her ever since. She got her current job with the South-Eastern
Railways from the department's sport quota.
Kokila Sudha: An advocate at the Bangalore high court,
Sudha is also a teacher. And as if this were not enough, she recently
underwent a course in search and rescue operations from the Nehru
Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi.
Chetna Sahu, 29: The youngest in the team, Chetna got married
last year and is a housewife. However, this did not deter the
young lady from deciding to leave her "very loving and co-operative
husband," an assistant manager with Tata Steel in Orissa,
and go on the trek.
Sumita Roy, 35: An employee of Tata Steel's electronic
department, Roy is a trained mountaineer, although she has not
participated in any big expedition as yet. The Himalayan Traverse
is a "very big challenge" for her.
Chaula Jagirdar, 36: Married, with a five-year-old daughter.
Jagirdar works as an instructor at the Gujarat Mountaineering
and Rock Climbing Institute. Her businessman husband, she says,
is very supportive.
Vinita Muni, 31: A Bombay-based artist, Vinita "loves
the mountains" as does her chartered accountant husband.
And so he was "very understanding" when she chose to
join the team of nine adventurers to embark on the Himalayan Traverse.
Malika Virdi, 35: A farmer, teacher, and fashion designer,
Virdi leaves a "supportive" husband and three-year-old
son behind for this trek. Her scientist husband too loves natures, she says.
Nanda Patel, 30: An architect and businesswoman Patel has
trained in mountaineering abroad. She is also an expert skier.