Buy the watch that Mark Twain chose for just $1

Tue, 05 November 2024
Timex is celebrating its 170th Anniversary with 1,000 limited-edition Waterbury watches for just $1. On November 16, consumers in India will have a chance to claim their limited-edition $1 watch at 10 am on and on select retailers. 

It commemorates Timex's iconic Yankee pocket watch -- their first timepiece sold at $1 and known as "the watch that made the dollar famous".

170 years ago, timekeeping was exclusive to the elite, with pocket watches expensively priced to the public. It was then that the Waterbury Clock Company stepped in and democratized timekeeping for all. Farmers checked it during harvests, train conductors relied on it for punctuality, and factory workers synchronized their breaks with its hands. 

By the turn of the century, over six million of these 'dollar watches' had found their way into the hands of everyday Americans. Even legend Mark Twain couldn't resist owning one, having sent Timex a dollar in exchange for his very own watch.

The $1 Anniversary Watch pays homage to the original Waterbury campaign, which promised 'correct time for little money.'