What's the secret to a healthy life at work?
Read on to find out...
Here are five simple tips that will significantly help you in striking a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.
Carry a fruit
Fruits are best things to eat at work.
Apart from being healthy, fresh and tasty, they are also light.
Eating them does not weigh the stomach down like most processed high calorie foods do which means that you will not feel sluggish, tired or sleepy after eating fruit.
Pack your own lunch
It's alright to try the food at cafeteria once a week but you have to understand that it carries high calories.
It's definitely tough to get up early and cook; however, if you look at the benefits of home cooked food, you won't mind getting out of the bed even on a chilly winter morning.
Be your own health advocate
Many factors influence our lifestyle choices and contribute in making us obese, sedentary and tobacco-addicted. But there is one big difference between wellness and every other healthcare cost solution.
Wellness is entirely under our control. So contribute in keeping the environment at workplace clean, eat healthy food, do regular physical exercise, strike a balance between career, family and relationships.
Keep energy snacks handy
A true workaholic understands the importance of quick energy snacks like energy bars.
Make your own energy bars by dry pressing dry fruits and nuts with a mix of hot honey and brown sugar into the dry fruits layer.
Also carry one sandwich for that late evening attack as a few hours after lunch, your body craves some carbs and fat to keep its energy levels up.
Work out
Desk jobs increase the strain on your back, wrists, eyes and neck, and can result in a general loss of muscle tone.
Workplace workouts can help you make the most of your limited hours.
With a little creativity, you can take advantage of the few minutes you have between pending deadlines and learn to exercise while you work.
Stretch from head to toe and hold for ten seconds on alternate sides.
To get rid of the ache, increase flexibility and add strength. Roll both shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion sitting right there on your chair.
Photo: Reuters