The US move to align with Russia is prompted by fear of a Sino-Russian joint threat....
A peace keeping role for India is a distinct possibility. Indian military has both the...
The solution to Manipur's problems lies in the government giving concessions to Meitis...
It was good fortune for India to have Atal Bihari Vajpayee lead the government at a...
Sections of our media and elites take Western reports/judgements at face value and are...
It seems that the West is sending a signal to India that it can return to old...
The nature of war and its purpose remains unchanged. The change is in the character of...
It seems in the geopolitics of the 21st century, we can see the subcontinent acting as...
India failed to extract the 'price' from Pakistan for its Kargil misadventure.
In the volatile international situation where 'nativism' is on the rise and immigrant...
One hopes the new Lok Sabha will mark a break from a dismal tradition -- lack of...
'The West has always opposed a strong nationalist leader in India and Narendra Modi is...
The current instability in the world is a result of long term systemic and...
India agreed to give up the Poonch salient as well as Uri. To the north India also...
A step away from nuclear weapons being used in conflicts, warns Colonel Anil A Athale...
Even those who are the supporters of India's 'cultural nationalism' seems to be unaware...
One hopes in his next term, Narendra Modi will take up the mission of inculcating...
Kissinger's approach of balance of power, secret diplomacy and moderating ideology are...
In 1666, Shivaji Maharaj and his son Sambhaji escaped from the Agra Fort, one of the...
Major General S C N Jatar, who passed into the ages on Monday night, thwarted...