Another major takeaway from Unstop's report is the growing disparity between academic...
'I think today RBI supervision is much sharper than what it was earlier.'
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Delhi are emerging as major hubs for employable talent.
The fundamental responsibility for preventing such crimes and for bringing the...
The Tata Trusts, led by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust and the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, hold a...
'In the new coalition government, India's reform agenda may prioritise job creation and...
'The focus needs to shift towards the ability to collect payments, particularly in...
'You cannot have only one product or one market or one customer segment.'
The incident remains a reminder of the inherent fragilities of all geopolitical...
A cultural preference for sons in India may be expressed as 'son preference' or...
Although India-US relations have strengthened significantly in recent years, partly...
Certain changes in the past two or three years could have a long-term structural impact...
The five warmest years in Indian weather history have occurred in the past 14 years --...
The biggest bounce is in the realty sector, where the industry index jumped 80%....
Lower-paid IPL players, domestic or foreign, should be able to try their luck in other...
For many developers, it may not be a sufficient saving to make it worth creating and...
If they wish to have any chance next year, the Congress and the alliance must quickly...
"India is the best market right now in the world with the digital initiatives the...
'The pitch for India is flat, the ball for India is old, the sun for India is out, and...
Financial institutions are 300 times more vulnerable to cyberattacks than any other...