Ashok K Lahiri

All stories by Ashok K Lahiri

State of economy: Glass half-empty or half-full?
Rediff.com14 Nov 2017

While naysayers say the economy is on a downward spiral, optimists point out that India...

What DeMo really achieved
Rediff.com18 Sep 2017

Declaring demonetisation a complete failure may turn out to be hasty, argues economist...

UP chose development, but not sans caste bias
Rediff.com13 Apr 2017

In UP, the BJP focused carefully on the sub-caste divisions within the Dalits and also...

Is the Note Ban a success?
Rediff.com4 Jan 2017

Demonetisation should be judged to have delivered some immediate gain if at least...

How India's note ban is unlike any ever seen
Rediff.com14 Dec 2016

Many countries advised the return the high-denomination notes to the central bank for...

Singur: Can Mamata offer the best deal to farmers?
Rediff.com23 Sep 2016

There is a clamour for changing land-use from agriculture to commercial, residential or...

Can India beat the 'super-cycle'?
Rediff.com9 Sep 2016

The Indian economy can grow if it is delinked from the slow growth in the West and the...

Brexit: An unlikely divorce?
Rediff.com8 Jul 2016

The UK has had a complex relationship and checkered history with the EU.