'In those 2, 2.5 hours, something needs to touch you -- whether it's the action, the...
'The Bharatiya Janata Party government has taken strict action against the drug mafia...
I keep a licensed revolver with me always in my car, there are some personal issues...
Why a new study suggests you wear a face mask when you speak to anyone.
'The Opposition has no option but to make it an 'All versus One' fight to even think...
Ramanuj Mukherjee shares his lessons from his first hand experience at Tinder.
There are ways with which couples can relight their fire.
Now you don't need an excuse to eat pasta.
That's the key to a slimmer waistline says a recent study.
Did you know berries can help improve your sexual health?
Online infidelity can be addictive, according to a recent study.
You can improve your chances for high marital quality by using the power of 'thank you'...
If you're guilty of phubbing, that is snubbing others by constantly looking at your...
A new study has found that lying on Facebook, Twitter can make people actually believe...