February 15 is Mumbai Marathon day.
The Asian Heart Institute, a state-of-the-art hospital in Mumbai set up in association with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in the United States, offers some tips for participants.
3 Days before the Race
Do not run for more than 30/40 minutes at an easy pace during the last few days.
Know your course: Make sure you are familiar with the route. For those doing the full and half marathon it is a good idea to drive along the route a few days before.1 Day Before the Race
Do not engage in heavy physical activity. Complete rest or a light walk or run for 20 minutes is sufficient.
Food -
Do not try anything new. Make sure you eat plenty of carbohydrate-rich food, especially for the full and half marathon. This makes sure your 'glycogen' stores are filled to the maximum.
Avoid high fibre food such as beans and whole wheat products as they stay longer in the stomach.
Avoid alcohol the night before.
Make sure you are well hydrated.
Race Day -
Arrive Early: Try and be at the venue at least an hour before the race. It is a good idea to use public transport to avoid the added stress of finding parking.
Food: There is no hard and fast rule on whether to eat on race morning. However, a light breakfast, such as a toast and a banana might be helpful, two hours before the race.
Water: Have plenty of water or a sports drink before the race. Drink about 500ml of fluid 1 or 2 hours before.
Empty bladder and bowels before the race.
Do not try new shoes on race day.
During the Race -
Make sure you drink 200 to 250 ml of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.
Half and full marathoners should consume the sports drink available on the race route and not drink just water at all aid stations.
Medical personnel may advise runners to stop running.
Medical Aid
During the race if you experience cramps, dizziness, vomiting, chest discomfort or severe shortness of breath, please stop running and seek medical assistance immediately.
Asian Heart Institute medical aid stations are located at the following points (adjacent to the water stations).
Start/finish point
D Road, Marine Drive
Chowpatty Junction
Hughes Road
Haji Ali
Nehru Centre
Worli Sea Face
Along the route there will be six fully equipped Asian Heart ambulances manned by cardiologists for emergency care.
Post Race -
After finishing the race do not stop suddenly. Continue walking for a few minutes to cool down.
If you are injured or feeling dizzy, head to the medical tent.
Make sure you eat plenty of carbohydrates within the next few hours to replenish your glycogen.
Relax and enjoy the rest of this special day.