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Bush and the great Indian hope trick
As India finalised its steps to open up the economy for investing and trade, Bush cleared the way for US companies to set up shop in India.

Perhaps history will be kinder to Bush
No way to conduct a war
A war without cause, without end
Iran a threat to US security: Obama
Obama announces natl security team
George Bush: A wasted opportunity
9/11 led to Bush's cowboy foreign policy
Obama fighting to keep his BlackBerry
After 9/11, Bush had political capital
Dr Gupta may be Surgeon General
Indian American on Obama's team
Who will be Obama's secretary of state?
California bans same sex marriages
When Obama wrote a letter to Dr Singh
Fulfilled dream of a generation: Bush
Barack Obama, as I knew him
Hope Obama supports peace: Mandela
How Obama wooed Indian voters
Obama will strengthen ties: Experts
Obama's views on all things Indian
World leaders hail Obama's victory
Obama's stance on Kashmir
Pak PM will work with Obama for peace
'We are 51st state for Democratic Party'
An American moment in Mumbai
Bangalore, New Delhi cheer for Obama
Nikki Haley wins landslide in S Carolina
The day Obama called rediff
US election witnesses women power
Hillary pledges full support to Obama
Obama & the Great American Dream
Black Prez -- The reel role becomes real

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