After the Karnataka porngate scandal, two Bharatiya Janata Party Members of Legislative Assembly from Gujarat have now come under the scanner for allegedly watching obscene pictures on a tablet during the assembly proceedings in Gandhingar.
Legislators Shankar Chaudhury and Jetha Bharwad were on Tuesday seen spending time on their tablets during the House proceedings. It has been alleged that they were looking at photographs of obscene images of women.
A journalist of a vernacular newspaper complained to the Speaker about the incident.
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BJP MLAs accused of watching obscene photos
Image: A flag with the BJP symbol"Chaudhary showed his tablet to another MLA Bharwad. First they started by looking at the photographs of Swami Vivekananda, then cartoons and then photographs of women," senior journalist Janak Dave said.
"I thought that now Gujarat MLAs are following Karnataka MLAs. I went to the Speaker's chamber and complained about it to his assistant, who informed the Speaker and the viewing was stopped," Dave said.
But the BJP has denied the charges.
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BJP MLAs accused of watching obscene photos
Image: A file photo of MLAs watching porn in the Karnataka AssemblyParty's state unit general secretary Vijay Rupani said the allegations were false and had been cooked up on the instance of the Congress.
"I believe that they were not watching such material on the tablet," Rupani told reporters.
"If required we will inquire about the incident," he further said.
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