West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on Friday said the Trinamool Congress was 'hand-in-glove' with Maoists and he had conveyed this to Home Minister P Chidambaram, who 'did not like it'.
Bhattacharjee also underlined the need for the Centre and the states to join hands to fight the menace, without blaming each other.
"Whenever I meet the home minister, I have been telling him that they (Trinamool Congress and Maoists) are working hand-in-glove. There is a serious problem," he told reporters.
Asked about Chidambaram's response, he said, "As usual, he did not like it. The home minister does not like any party, any individual, NGO or the media supporting the Maoists."
On the fight against Naxalism, the West Bengal chief minister said, "Everybody has their own share of responsibility. We should work collectively."
He said it was "not the time to blame anyone, not the time to blame each other" but to 'work together' in dealing with Naxalism.
Bhattacharjee said he would talk to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on this issue, after the latter's return from a week-long visit to the United States and Brazil, beginning on Saturday. "We should revamp our plans and operations," he said, adding that his government was trying to improve its operations.
"I am not satisfied with the situation. We have to do more," he said. He declined to say anything when asked whether Naxal leader Koteshwar Rao was alive or dead.
The chief minister said he had sought special funds from the Planning Commission for developmental works like road connectivity, healthcare and irrigation in Maoist-hit areas.