This article was first published 14 years ago

Readers condole: They died for no fault


April 09, 2010 17:48 IST

We asked our readers to send in their condolence messages for the slain 76 CRPF personnel and police men who were the victims of Naxal slaughter in Dantewada, Chattisgarh on Tuesday. And the messages continue to pour in.

Part 1: Readers condole fallen jawans: Bravehearts, RIP

Part 2: Saluting the martyrs of Dantewada

Name: Shaji
Place: Chennai
Sad fate for courgeous brave, sincere knowing the danger who have fought bravely for the nation and laid their life

Name: Venugopal
Place: Dubai, UAE
I understand the great martyordom of our fello Brothers who laid down their lives for Mother India. We are proud of you..

Name: Yogesh
Place: Pune
Gd bless their souls. Government shold take stingent action against Naxalites. But we always see that nobody is interested in solving their problems. Every politician is busy filling pockets by corruption.

Name: K Pulla Rao
Place: Hyderabad
My sincere condolences.

Name: Yuvraj Singh Tomar
Place: Noida
Hearthly salute to our brave jawans who gave their lives for the shake of our piece.

Name: Ramamurthy
Place: Chennai
Poor souls! Rest in peace ! I pray God.... u died for lack of leadership... u died for lack of direction... u died for lack of planning and preparation... u r always at the front to die and u died.... not yr fault.. fault of the system.. fault of the leader... be born a leader in yr next life.....

Name: Abhishek Choudhary
Place: Delhi
I would like to extend my deepest condolences and sympathy to families of the victims as well as to the entire Nation.

Name: Stephen Harris
Place: Mumbai
The shockwaves from this senseless tragedy were felt all over the world. My deepest sympathy, may u all find peace. They will never be forgotten.

Name: Animesh
Place: Raipur
Roz roz apane sainik to marta dekh ne say aacha kyuin govt. sidha naxaliyon ke khilaf jung suru karde with army help. its time for take revenge form them do the needful mr p chindambarma

Name: Girish
Place: Palakkad
Its time that we amend the constitution and change our policies to deal with such forces as maoists and naxals. The lives of those 75 jawans cud have been saved through meticulous planning.

Name: Venkatesh
Place: Bangalore
IT is very sad to hear this news. May their soul rest in peace.

Name: Amit Walia
Place: Mandi, HP
Till date from starting if Operation green hunt our forces are on receiving end. There has not been any major casuality to naxals. Our brave soldiers are being killed brutally by these insane lefties.

Name: Kiran
Place: Delhi
I can not express the anger now i have for Moist...they are terriost.....they should get same treatment body should support them....Its inhuman.....they have killed our 75 Jawan....I am deeply sad .God give the courage to Jawan families who have lost their son, husband , Father or brother....

Name: Shyamal Acharya
Place: Mumbai
Those 76 lives will not come back. Think of those thousands of CRPF Jawans who are waiting to be engaged in future battles. For God's sake give them the best equipments, tools, armoury, vehicles communication systems to fight just as the Americans are doing in Afghanistan .
My heart bleeds for these jawans.

Name: Atul Kapadia
Place: Mumbai
It is a great pity that due to lack of correct and proper information from Intelligence dept, we have lost our brave 76 security men. Sincerely offer my prayers and condolences to the bereaved families.

Name: Prasant
Place: Chennai
I am putting deepest condolence to my brave, who sacrificed their life for their nation. I pray to God to keep their soul and rebirth and bring to their mother's leap.

Name: Padmesh
Place: Bangalore
They deserve the highest bravery award.

Name: Rakesh Singh
Place: Pune
Maoists are inhuman. flash out them as soon as possible.

Name: S Srinivasan
Place: Chennai
My heart goes out to the families and children of the deceased brave soldiers. May god give peace and tranquility.

Name: U C Tiwari
Place: Mumbai
My heartfull condolenses to those soldiers killed in Datewada fighing with moist. I deep sympathisies to bereived families. I am sure our forces will win over in due course of time because they are brave.

Name: Ramakrishnan
Place: Noida
My hearty condolences for the great loss to the family of the brave soldiers

Name: Abdur Rahim
Place: Mumbai
I am really sad & upset abt the tragedy & i have no word for condolence to my crpf juwan.

Name: Rajan
Place: Mumbai
I salute our martyrs who gave life in their selfless efforts to safeguard fellow countrymen. Heartfelt condolence to each and every family member and near and dear of the brave men. God bless India.

Name: Prashant Menon
Place: Mumbai
May their souls rest in peace!!!!

Name: Kumar
Place: Chennai
Hats off to the Brave Men who have laid your Life for this Nation and to value its Democracy.You have given your life for the mistakes of successive failure Govt of State and center . May your Souls rest in Peace

Name: Sudha Nagaraj
Place: Bangalore
Firstly, my heart felt condolence to the jawans. I request the government not to send our valuable security force without adequate preparation. Let the politicians go and die for the country.

Name: Rehmanar
Place: Dubai, UAE
My deeply condolences to the families of crpf personnel who was killed. i

Name: Chaitanya
Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Poor CRPF people lost their lives for nothing.
My deepest condolenses.
Jai hind

Name: Divya
Place: Chandigarh
There should be aieraid against the naxals my heart goes out of the families of these brave soliders

Name: K Balasubramanian
Place: Jamshedpur
This has been perhaps the greatest tragedy so far in 2010 in our country. Wish some more detail home work was done before launching this programme. Also, there seems to be a total intelligency failure in this case too. It is unfortunate that we spend so much of our limited resources to protect the lives and properties of our worthless politicians but when it comes to our security personnels who sacrifice their lives while guarding our country 's borders round the clock and those who are engaged in maintaining local law & order under most unfavourable conditions , they are hardly remembered by the nation as a whole. Any amount of compensation and sympathy for them is inadequate. I sincerely request all our countrymen to pray for peace of departed souls of all those who lay down their lives for such a noble cause and peace and strength for their parents,wife , children and other close family members.

Name: Jay
Place: Bengaluru
It is very sad to note CRPF's massacre by Maoists. Killing our own people is highly condemnable. Whatever the problems we have must settle down on mutual give and take policy in the interest of Country. Due to lack of political action over a period of time this Maoists problem has reached beyond our imagination.

May God bless peace for the departed souls on this barbaric incident.

Name: Saju Pillai
Place: Oman
My heart goes out to the brave soldiers and their families who are bereaved. Such acts of violence is not going to gain any sort of result in any democratic society. The government on its part should extend all possible assistance to the affected people.

Name: Kartik Kumar
Place: Pune
It is a war against India. We have accepted this challenge.We will definitely win this battle.Whole India is with those brave innocent jawans and their family members in this sad moment. I would like to say the family member of those person lost their life we all are with you.

Name: Amit Igatpurikar
Place: Nagpur
The Govt. should take tough stand against Naxals and curb it by hook and crook.

Name: Dilip Kumar Raha
Place: Kolkata
Why GOI has is not attacking Maoists through air and field. Govt. should take harsh action against Maoists who are killing innocent police and security personnel. Why all our political parties are not pressuring Govt. to take immediate military attack and destroy all maoists in WB, Orisa, Jharkhand, AP, Chattishgarh and other states.

Name: Prasad
Place: Hyderabad
May our heroes, martyrs souls rest in peace and let all of us support their families for their sacrifice.

Name: Akshay Iyer
Place: Chennai
I salute the martyrs of Dantewada. I just cannot do enough to repay the debt of those standing guard to us letting the entire nation sleep in peace while battling it out themselves against anti national terrorist elements .

Name: Vidyasagar
Place: Chennai
I am really saddenned at the loss of those 75 jawans who were killed. Let their souls rest in peace. I hope the government looks at the state of the issues and deals with naxalism with a tougher stance so that we need not lose another jawan again.

Name: Ashish kumar
Place: New Delhi
I am begging my government to plz look into naxal issues and fix it, my deeper condolence is with all the family who looses their dear one's in this terror act of Maoists.

Name: Utpal
Place: Bangalore
I salutes to those brave martyrs of CRPF. May god bless their families.... we are always with you.

Name: Ashutosh
Place: Mumbai
My deep condolence to officers and Jawans of CRPF who lost their lives for the safty and security of nation.

Name: Avinash Lengure
Place: Nagpur
Namaste !
Hats off To All The Brave CRPF Javans !

Name: Nilesh Wattamwar
Place: Mumbai
My Heartiest condolence to all of the braves.

Name: Rajat Rath
Place: Dubai
I pay my heartly tribute to all the martyrs of Dantewada. The condolence fortheir family members. Actually we cant do much but paying tribute to them. I feel shame and pity for the strategy and policy makers of my country.

Name: Vinod
Place: Bangalore
May your soul rest in peace. We are proud of you.

Name: Ravindra Gade
Place: Vadodara
If you have a human heart you cannot say or write any thing for these brave sons of our country - just pray for their souls to rest in peace and haunt those stupid politicians sitting in A/c rooms and flying in aircrafts.

Name: Dr N Navinkumar
Place: Chennai
Heart goes out to the innocent families of the butchered. Whatever may be their justifications by the Maoists, eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Name: Arvind
Place: Bangalore
My heart goes out to the families of those soldiers who died on the line of the duty. Like any Indian I am outraged by this butchery and expect government to act hard on these maoists. Good to know that Government is planning to use airforce to eliminate them. its high time that we should come out of the image of a soft state nation by finish them. time for tit for tat. once again my condolence to all those falled soldires. Jai Hind

Name: U K Arora
Place: Delhi
Let's pray that such barbaric attacks stop and all areas prosper and grow with one India.

Name: Dayanand
Place: Mumbai
My heartly condolence to the martyrs and I pray to god for peace to these lost souls
Jai Hind, Jai Jawan

Name: Ashok Mishra
Place: Kanpur U.P.
Dear Soldiers,
We are with you in this burst condition. We can feel your wound and the cost of your life.
We will take revenge and will finish the naxals.
Our heads are always down for you all.

Name: Anuj Mishra
Place: Bangalore
Our deep condolences and sympathy are with family of martyrs. Our true hero. They do not think twice while going for such operations. If some 1000s of people ambush mere 70 - 80 people no body can do anything.

Name: George
Place: Bangalore
My heartfelt condolences to the families of our brave jawans. This vilolence is no less than war aginst the country and civil society. Hope the govt. understand the garvity of situation and handle this intelligently instead of playing politics. For the society it is time to raise our individual voice at any forum available against this menace.

Name: Ranjit Ray
Place: Qatar
My salute to the real heroes.We can not repay their sacrifices made for us.But one thing is clear,these politicians who have made corruption and have given birth to bloody murderer so called NAXALS, will meet a horrible death for sure. I am ashamed of calling myself A Proud Indian Today.

Name: Sanjay
Place: Chennai
May there soul rest in peace

Name: Sudheer Mahajan
Place: Bangalore
I salute the jawans of the CRPF who are paying with their lives.

Name: Mahipal Singh
Place: Karnal
isawar shaheed soildiers ke parivaron ko shakti de. unki aatmaon ko shanti prapt ho.
ab jaroorat hai is sab ke khilaf kade kadam uthane ki

Name: Mohit
Place: Moradabad
We salute your courage and bravery. I hope your sacrifice would not go in vein and government would awake and use better strategies to tackle the maoists...

Name: Krishna
Place: USA
My deepest Condolences for our brave Jawans. May God give strength to their families. Bharath Mata ki Jai.

Name: Vijay M
Place: Chennai
May these bravehearts be the last victim of Red Terror...Jai Hind...

Name: Ajeet singh
Place: Faridabad
I Am Praying to GOD For indian jawans which are saheed in Dantewara.

Name: Bijoy
Place: Mumbai
i salute the great deeds our guards do. i salute them and pay homage to there familys.

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