Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Saturday night described the blast in Pune as a 'significant terrorist incident', since the Mumbai terror attack 14 months ago, and said all information pointed to a plot to trigger the explosion in a place frequented by foreigners and Indians.
He, however, said government would wait for the forensic report before drawing to a conclusion.
"This is a sad event. Significant terrorist incident after 14 months", Chidambaram told mediapersons on the eve of his visit to Pune, where the blast tore through the landmark German Bakery in Koregaon locality, killing 9 people and injuring 45 others.
The home minister said he was 'deeply distressed' by the Pune blast. "All the information available to us at the moment points to a plot to explode a device in a place that is frequented by foreigners as well as Indians," he said.
Chidambaram said the improvised explosive device was triggered in the German Bakery, which was a short distance away from the Osho Ashram and from the Chabad House, a Jewish prayer house.
He said the Centre had sensitised the Maharashtra government and the police about the Chabad House being a target for terrorists and today's incident happened just a few metres away from the Chabad House. Chidambaram said forensic experts have already reached the blast site in Pune.
The home minister asked the media not to speculate and give some time to the government "to gather forensic evidence and draw some conclusions".
"I promise you there will be an official statement once every four or six hours. So, please don't speculate on this and that," he said.