India's Consul General in Toronto Preeti Saran has lodged an official demarche to the Canadian government about the Peel police's inaction while the Indian national flag was being desecrated.
The incident took place during the Republic Day celebrations organised by Panorama India and the supported by the Indian consulate at the Pearson Convention Centre in suburban Brampton.
As the guests started arriving, a few demonstrators blocked the main entrance to the convention centre and obstructed guests from entering.
Then the group spread the Indian tricolour on the floor at the entrance, and the guests were forced to walk or drive over it to enter the venue.
Though the Peel police was summoned immediately, Consul General Saran and Panorama India Chair Shylee Someshwar say they did nothing to prevent the Indian flag from being insulted.
"In our official demarche, I have stated that this is an extremely unfortunate happening and it is regrettable that the Indian national flag was insulted. The authorities should take steps to prevent such incidents in the future," Saran said.
"It is most regrettable that despite repeated requests made by the Panorama India president and others, the Peel police took no action to remove the Indian national flag, which was being trampled upon," the consul general added.
The guests at the event included Conservative Senator Con Di Nino, Liberal MP Bob Rae, Conservative MP Patrick Brown, and others.
"Members of Panorama India, along with other prominent community members and Senator Di Nino, tried their level best to ensure that the protest continue without the desecration of the Indian flag," Someshwar said, but added that they were "strongly advised by the Peel police to go back to the convention centre and enjoy the festivities whilst the flag was being desecrated and driven upon by the incoming traffic and trampled upon by the protestors."
Several guests refused to drive over the flag and decided to skip the festivities instead, she said.
Slamming the local police force, Someshwar stated, "We strongly believe that the security was poor and inadequate. Instead of asking the protesters to conduct their protest in a peaceful manner without obstructing traffic and trespassing on private property, the police were almost regulating the obstruction."
Avtar S Punia, one of the organisers of the protest, told rediff.com, "We were not forcing anybody to drive over the Indian flag. But we did spread the Indian flag on the floor. It was people's choice whether they wanted to drive over the flag."
"We were protesting the human rights violations against the Sikh community in 1984, 1985 and so far, despite various reports, no action has been taken against the culprits," he claimed.
In a written statement, supporters of the United Front against Human Rights Violations have urged the Canadian government to question India about its human rights record.
The Peel police were unavailable for comment.
Image: Protestors block guests from entering the Pearson Convention Centre in suburban Brampton, Toronto, Canada.