Biju Janata Dal president Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday said that his party would take 'necessary steps' on the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance's (INDIA's) possible move to bring a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Patnaik, the former Odisha chief minister, did not clarify whether the BJD would support any non-confidence motion against Dhankhar if brought to the Rajya Sabha.
The BJD has seven members in the Upper House of Parliament.
"We are examining it. We will take whatever step is necessary," the BJD president said while replying to a question on his party's stand on the possible no-confidence move against Dhankhar.
BJD's seven members in the Rajya Sabha are considered crucial as the opposition parties do not have the requisite numbers in the Upper House of Parliament to ensure the passage of the planned non-confidence motion in the House.