Actor Madhura Naik, known for shows Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahani and Naagin, said her cousin and brother-in-law were "murdered in cold blood" during the Israel-Hamas conflict that broke out four days ago.
In an Instagram video shared Tuesday, Naik, who called herself a Jew of Indian origin, claimed her family members were killed on October 7.
"My cousin Odaya was murdered in cold blood along with her husband in the presence of their two children. The grief and emotions that I and my family face today cannot be spoken in words. As of today, Israel is in pain.
"Her children, her women and her streets are burning in flames in the wrath of Hamas. Women, children, the old and the weak are being targeted," said the actor.
After she shared a picture of her sister and family on social media, Naik said she was "shocked to see how deep pro-Palestinian Arab propaganda" runs.
"I was shamed, humiliated and targeted for being Jewish. Today I want to voice my feelings and tell my followers, friends, people who I love and people who have supported me for all these years for all the work I have done," she said in the video.
Naik added that she does "not support violence or suppression from either side".
"We, as Jews, have as much right to peace and harmony as them (Palestinians). My heart goes to all who have lost their lives, who are missing, who are held hostages, the innocent children and all those who are on the end of this geopolitical propaganda," said the actor as she ended the clip reciting Rabindranath Tagore's poem "Where the mind is without fear".
The conflict began after Hamas militants stormed into Israel on Saturday, bringing gunbattles to its streets for the first time in decades. More than 1,800 lives have already been claimed on both sides, and perhaps hundreds more. Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza hold more than 150 soldiers and civilians hostage, according to Israel.