Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, whose elevation as BJP's campaign committee chief prompted L K Advani's resignation from all key party fora, on Monday said he has urged the veteran leader to change his decision.
Modi also spoke to BJP president Rajnath Singh and told him that he will abide by whatever decision the parliamentary board, the party's highest decision-making body, takes on the issue.
"Had a detailed conversation with Advaniji on phone. Urged him to change his decision," Modi said on microblogging site twitter.
"I hope he will not disappoint lakhs of Karyakartas (workers)," Modi said.
Modi also tweeted, "spoke to Rajnathji, in such a short time cannot reach the parliamentary board meeting but will stand by whatever decision the board takes".
An emergent meeting of BJP's core group has been called to discuss Advani's resignation.
Gujarat BJP, which was in a celebratory mood yesterday after Modi's anointment as campaign committee chairman in the national executive in Goa, appeared to be enveloped in gloom following Advani's resignation from Parliamentary Board, Election Committee and National Executive.
No state leader was ready to speak on the issue and the state party office wore a sombre look.
Advani, an MP from Gandhinagar, was rarely seen in the state after Modi's Sadbhavna fast in September 2011.