In its report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, retired Justice Liberhan has sought further probe by historians, journalists and jurists into innumerable matters that came to his attention, but he could not encapsulate them even in his long-drawn inquiry, 'given limited human capacities.'
He says he did not transgress judicial propriety by taking on some of the matters despite they bearing a significant bearing on the mosque demolition -- the subject matter of the probe.
"For instance, the intransigent stance of the High Court of Uttar Pradesh, the obdurate attitude of then Governor, the inexplicable irresponsibility of the Supreme Court's observer and the short-sightedness
"Historians, journalists and jurists may -- and should -- explore these dimensions and tell these untold stories for the benefit of the current and unborn generations. But these cannot unfortunately be dwelt upon in the report, although I have neither suppressed nor minced words about these at the appropriate places and in appropriate contexts in my report," the former judge added.