West Bengal police has arrested People's Committee against Police Atrocities leader Manoj Mahato, a key accused in the May 28 Gyaneshwari Express derailment.
Mahato was nabbed from a hideout at Madhupurkhal village early on Saturday morning, according to police sources.
However, his family has claimed that their son was picked up from their home in Birkar village.
A dozen-odd cases have been filed against Mahato.
The CBI took over the Gyaneshwari Express investigation from the state police in June, and announced a reward of Rs 3 lakh for information leading to the arrest of three prime accused -- Bapi Mahato, Umakanto Mahato and Asit Mahato.
Bapi is in custody while Asit is still absconding.
The derailment of the Howrah-Kurla Gyaneshwari Express on May 28 by Maoists had claimed over 100 lives.