The special Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act Court, on July 27, granted bail to Vora; eight months after she was arrested for alleged complicity in Dey's murder.
The Mumbai Press Club, in a statement on Monday, welcomed the bail order and criticised the Mumbai police in strong words. "The order vindicates the stand taken by the Press Club that crime reporter Vora had become a victim of the machinations of the Mumbai police in `Operation
Dey was killed, allegedly by the members of Chhota Rajan gang, on June 11, 2011. Following this, there was an outcry in the media about law and order situation and ham-handed investigation of the case, the Press Club said, adding that "by arresting Vora, the police seemed to be saying, "See, it was one of you. Don't blame us", and now the "wheel had turned a full circle".