On Monday, the outfit's fugitive commander-in-chief Paresh Barua called the decision to hold dialogue with the Government of India taken by ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa as unconstitutional. According to Barua, the decision was taken under the influence and dictation of the enemy.
"In an emergency meeting held by the group in its current general headquarter on February 5 and 6 resolved that the meeting of the so-called general council led by Arabinda Rajkhowa and under surveillance of the enemy was unconstitutional
The faction led by Rajkhowa had earlier stated that any ULFA member who would defy the decision of the general council for unconditional talks with the government would face disciplinary action as per the constitution of the outfit.
The Rajkhowa faction also claims that key battalions of the ULFA have extended support to the peace process. Meanwhile, security sources raised doubt over Barua's capability to sabotage the peace process given his waning support base within the state.