"The BJP's candidate for Lucknow Lalji Tandon has recently stated that his party has helped Mayawati come to power three times earlier in the state and now she should reciprocate the favour. This clearly shows that both the parties are hand in glove with each other," SP general secretary Amar Singh said in New Delhi.
"The BSP has named Mukhtar Ansari as its candidate in Varanasi, while Murli Manohar Joshi is BJP's candidate there.The Hindu and Muslim votes will get polarised there and Joshi will win," Singh claimed.
"Similarly the BJP has declared its leader Ramakant Yadav's son as the candidate from Ghazipur. With Afzal
"The BSP is the B-team of the BJP in national politics while BJP is BSP's B-team in UP. This is a transparent fact," he added.
Singh said that unlike the "BSP-BJP alliance", SP's alliance with Congress is out in the open." The SP is a big party in Uttar Pradesh and our relation with the Congress is in the open. We are still with it and in the future also we will not leave Sonia Gandhi, even if she leaves us," Singh said.
"The BSP's advent and Mayawati's emergence in Uttar Pradesh is only because of the BJP," Singh said, adding that he was never worried about BJP and BSP as "I am a warrior and will find ways to liquidate them".