Remembering Danto...

Mon, 02 December 2024
Former journalist, Sumit Bhattacharya pays tribute to a colleague and journalist we lost too soon -- Anthony D'Costa. 

Posting on Facebook, Sumit writes, "The noted cartoonist Satish Acharya remembers Anthony D'Costa, Danto to all who knew him, who passed away too soon a couple of days ago. Usually, eulogies flow for the departed but allow me to be different (I think Danto would like it). In 2004, when I joined -- where I worked for 10 years, had the best time of my working career and met many, many outstanding journalists and human beings, a rare combination -- Danto was one of my bosses. 

"He didn't take to me immediately. I was told he was the only one on the interview panel who objected to hiring me. When I joined Rediff and India Abroad, the newspaper for desis in America that Rediff owned then, we had a five-day week, a rarity for news orgs.

"I was unaware of it. Danto made me come to office on Saturdays for more than six months till I gathered up courage to ask the superbosses if it was okay if I didn't come on Saturdays because I mostly sat and twiddled my thumbs. I have never forgiven Danto for that, but without malice. 

"That was what journalism was like then. I learnt a lot from Danto, esp from his way of chiselling away at copy -- not rewriting, mind -- till it turned into a sharp gem. And Danto had his own way of showing affection. He liked making things out of Mechano pieces, and once when he made a man with a guitar he tagged me in the post. And after he left Rediff, Danto called me up to offer a job in the org he had joined. The first question I asked him was: "Five-day week hai kya?" And we both had a good laugh. Farewell, Danto. I will see you on the other side."