
Indian-American Congresswoman from Seattle Pramila Jayapal has announced that she won't attend Donald Trump's inauguration this week, saying the President-elects 'language and actions' undermine America's democracy and its history.
'I did not undertake the decision lightly,' Jayapal said in a statement.
So far two dozen US lawmakers have announced that they are boycotting Trumps inauguration.
'I had hoped in the days following the election that we would see a President-elect who broke from his campaign rhetoric and worked to unite the American people. Instead, we have seen this President-elect continue to use language and take actions that demean our history and our heroes, and undermine our democracy,' she said.
The only lawmaker to oppose Trump's presidential victory confirmation during the joint session of the Congress early this month, Jayapal alleged that his Cabinet appointments underscore the grave threat to the country that his presidency represents.
'Appointments of people such as Steve Bannon, Jeff Sessions and Andrew Pudzer threaten the very fabric of our country and the institutions that these men and women will lead. The continued promises to create a Muslim registry, to repeal DACA, deport millions of undocumented immigrants, and punish women for abortions, fly in the face of our 7th District values,' she said.
Instead of being in Washington DC attending the swearing-in ceremony of Donald Trump, Jayapal said she would be with her constituents attending a seminar on immigration. -- PTI