Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is introducing a new vision of governance to ensure each and every ministry and department of the Union government performs and delivers the pre-defined results.
The cornerstone of this new initiative is introduction of the Results Framework Documents by each ministry and department that can be used as the benchmark for judging the performance on a time scale.
They have been asked to submit these documents latest by the month-end to enable the Cabinet Secretariat keep track of performance based on the specifics listed in them.
In a letter sent out to all the 85 Secretaries of the Centre on Monday, Cabinet Secretary KM Chandrasekhar has sought their cooperation for the success of the Prime Minister's initiative.
The letter says the Performance and Monitoring and Evaluation System approved by the Prime Minister is an importance initiative of the government.
"It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we operate in the government. It seeks to create a vision-driven government that is focused on results," the Cabinet Secretary stressed.
Pointing out that the Results Framework Documents for individual department are the cornerstone of this initiative, he asked the
secretaries to ensure that these documents are prepared earnestly under their guidance.
"Please ensure that the final draft of your department's RFD duly approved by the Minister is submitted to the Performance Management Division Cabinet Secretariat by 5 pm on November 30," the letter added.
The letter follows a 2-day workshop on RFDs organised by the Cabinet Secretariat to apprise all senior bureaucrats about the requirements to be met in these documents.