At a time when every political party is making populist promises ranging from free rice to free electricity, what would be your USP?
We don't believe in just making promises and then forgetting them. We have concrete plans, specially to ensure food, for every family. Our specific plan is to make a package of food available to every poor family at only Rs 100. This will include 25 kg of rice, two kg of edible oil, a kg of yellow dal, tamarind and iodised salt.
With a daily wage of Rs 80 to Rs 100, a family will get its food requirement for the entire month. This will meet the basic need of poor families and ensure that there is no starvation in the state. I am confident that the scheme will catch up with the masses.
At the same time, I feel this is not a panacea for poverty and lack of development. Such schemes are only a stopgap arrangement and a temporary solution to the problem of starvation.