India on Thursday shared with Saudi Arabia details of the Mumbai attacks which have links with elements in Pakistan and impressed upon the key Arab country to use its special influence on Islamabad to ensure punishment to those behind the carnage.
The details were provided by National Security Adviser M K Narayanan to Saudi intelligence chief Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud in New Delhi.
Al-Saud has been sent to India by Saudi King Abdullah as a reflection of his desire to ensure that perpetrators of the
Mumbai attacks are punished.
Al-Saud, who visited Pakistan and held talks with the leadership there on the issue, came here to study India's
dossier of evidence linking Mumbai attacks to elements in Pakistan, sources said.
He was also expected to call on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
In Pakistan, the Saudi intelligence chief had met President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yosuf Gilani's Advisor on Internal Security Rehman Malik and ISI Director General Shuja Pasha.
After his visit here, Al-Saud will give his assessment of the evidence to his government to enable it to firm up a
position on the issue, the sources said.
Al-Saud's visit to the two countries comes in response to India's appeal to Saudi Arabia to use its influence to press Pakistan to cooperate to get to the perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks.
India feels Saudi Arabia could make Pakistan cooperate in bringing the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks to justice.
Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal undertook a visit here last month in the midst of Indo-Pak chill and underlined
that the "evil" of terrorism needs to be eradicated through collective action.