Jharkhand Mukti Morcha chief and outgoing Chief Minister Shibu Soren was on Tuesday admitted to a private hospital after he complained of heaviness in the chest, hospital sources said.
"He has complained of heaviness in the chest and his blood pressure is high. Investigations are on and medical reports will be available by evening," said Dr Sinha, the Superintendent of the Abdur Razzaque Ansari Memorial Weavers' Hospital.
Earlier in the morning, Soren was taken to the Central Coalfields Limited Hospital after he complained of uneasiness. The doctors at the CCL Hospital referred him to the Apollo Hospital.
Soren had a busy schedule after he was defeated in the Tamar assembly by-poll on January 8, before he quit from the post of chief minister.
He was also present during a United Progressive Alliance meeting on Monday night.
The state UPA meeting has decided to entrust the central leadership to find a consensual successor to Soren.