Former vice-president Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, who created a flutter in the BJP by declaring his plans to contest Lok Sabha polls if his health permits, today denied that he was aspiring for the prime minister's post.
"I had never said I am aspiring for the post and it is a creation of the media," the octogenarian leader told PTI when asked whether he was in the race for the prime minister's office.
Shekhawat said that during his recent visit to Kota he had only stated that since people had approached him to contest the Lok Sabha poll he would consider it and all depended on his health.
"I shall contest the election and there is no ambiguity about it as the people want it and I shall honour their wishes but it also depends on my fitness," he said, adding "I am not going to approach (anyone) for a ticket to contest and shall contest from any constituency as per the wishes of the people".
Shekhawat had created a flutter when he said he had plans to contest Lok Sabha polls if his health agrees amid media speculation that his move was aimed at challenging BJP's prime ministerial candidate L K Advani.