India said on Saturday that it has received no reply from Pakistan to the dossier of evidence on Mumbai terror attacks as claimed by Islamabad.
"We will react to the reply when we receive it. We have not yet received it.When it reaches us we will comment," Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma told reporters in New Delhi.
Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani yesterday said ISI has given its "feedback" to India on "some information"
about the Mumbai attacks that New Delhi had shared with the US intelligence agency CIA.
"Our position is clear that Pakistan should fulfill the promises it has made to India and the international community....It has to walk the talk....It should dismantle the organisation and infrastructure that exists there," Sharma said.
When asked if India had received any request from Pakistan for consular access to Mumbai terror accused Ajmal Amir Iman Kasab, Sharma replied in the negative."We have not received any request for consular access so far. Since Kasab is a Pakistani citizen, if Pakistan requests for consular access we will happily give it," he said.
He expressed dismay at Pakistan going into denial mode on the terror attack.
"The organisations involved have been named and those individuals involved have also been identified. They should be
punished as per Indian laws as the attack was made on India," Sharma said.