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Chhattisgarh's children of war

September 05, 2008
The conflict in Chhattisgarh has also severely impaired children's access to education. Once Salwa Judum began its operations in mid-2005, many children stopped attending school for fear of abduction.

The Naxalites have destroyed many schools, ostensibly to prevent their use for military or Salwa Judum operations.

Extracts from accounts:

"I joined the military dalam when I was 13 or 14 years old. I was studying in an ashram school (government-run residential school) in the eighth standard when Naxalites came to my hostel. I didn't want to go. They said I could study until the 10th standard, but I should go with them. We got weapons training, learnt about landmines, and a little karate. Finally, I had an opportunity to run away. One year after I ran away, both my younger brothers (age 8 and 12) were killed by the Naxalites in retaliation. They beat my mother and broke her arm. They burned our house and took all our things."

-- Former child dalam (armed Naxalite guerrilla squad) member, December 2007.

Image: Several rehabilitation camp residents recounted how police and Salwa Judum members urged them and other children to enroll as SPOs.

Also read: Salwa Judum: Strategy that backfired
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