Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj strongly defended National Security Advisor M K Narayanan in the National Integration Council meeting on Monday when Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh took exception to the NSA's reply to his demand for a judicial probe into the Batla House encounter, in which two alleged terrorists and a Delhi police officer were killed.
"I said in my speech that Narayanan is not just another person. He knows things which are not known to us. He may have something that is why he said that Batla House encounter was genuine," Swaraj said.
She was representing BJP leader L K Advani who had been invited as eminent person.
"Prakash Singh Badal, chief minister of Punjab, said from the speeches that he had heard it seemed that it was more a meeting of a council of disintegration than integration," Swaraj said. In all 146 people were invited to take part in the deliberations meant to discuss communal violence and extremism.
Swaraj alleged that they were notified of the agenda of the meeting only on Sunday night. "This meeting has taken place after three and a half years. Advaniji had a public rally to attend in Kerala and since the agenda was forwarded last night he decided to go ahead with the meeting. Advaniji asked me to attend the meeting in his place which I did," she said.