A day after the shake-up of the top brass in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh, the Election Commission on Thursday hinted at some more transfers while brushing aside Director General of Police Bua Singh's comment that he was 'humiliated' by the action against him.
Justifying the large scale transfer of top police officials, including Bua Singh, Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy said the transfers were made on the basis of assessment made by the commission from time to time.
"It is free country. Everyone has got the right to express his opinion. We have some more cases. We have to look at them and if there is something, nothing can prevent us from taking action," he told media persons after addressing 320 observers who have been deployed for the first four phases of the assembly polls in the state.
The CEC said there were 'special problems' in the state like some people enjoying unauthorised security cover and intimidation of voters.
Asked how he will compare polls in UP to the earlier polls in West Bengal, Gopalaswamy said looking at the number of constituencies and polling stations, 'it is definitely a mammoth task.'
As compared to West Bengal, which has 294 constituencies and 49,000 polling stations, the state has 403 seats and will have 1,10,000 polling stations.