Tightening security measures at the Old Delhi Railway Station, Railways has decided not allow entry of people other than passengers at the platform from where the Samjhauta Express leaves for Pakistan.
It has also decided not to attach general compartments on the train, which will leave for Attari on Wednesday night.
"Yes, we have taken these measures keeping in mind the security aspect," Northern Railway CPRO Rajiv Saxena told PTI in New Delhi on Wednesday. The measures come in the wake of twin blasts on the Samjhauta Express on Sunday night at Deewana, about 100 km from New Delhi, which claimed 68 lives.
Due care has been taken while issuing tickets at the special counter at the Old Delhi Railway Station, he said, adding that passengers will not be allowed to carry more than 40 kg luggage.
Elaborating on the security measures taken, he said two CCTV cameras have been installed on platform 18, from where the Samjhauta Express leaves. More personnel will also be deployed on the train, he added.