Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief K S Sudarshan on Thursday asked Hindus to produce not less than three children and called for an end to the majority-minority concept.
"Don't get into the trap of two child or one child norm. If you go by the one child norm, in the next 120 years, there won't be any successors in your family. You should not have less than three children and if you have more, the merrier it is", he said after releasing a publication Religious Demography of India 2001 brought out by the Centre for Policy Studies.
Lesser children, he said, would create demographic imbalance.
Dismissing concerns that population growth could result in unemployment, he said people should look at self-employment as an option and not depend on jobs.
Pooh-poohing the Church's demand for reservation for Dalit Christians, he alleged they were passing on the buck to the government to divert attention from the growing demand from the converts for a say in Church affairs.
Seeking a ban on divorce among Muslims through triple Talaq, he said 'you cannot push the women into the streets like that. Every marriage and divorce should be registered.
There should be a uniform civil code and modernisation of Muslim education'.
He, however, conceded Muslims were among the 'poorest and most uneducated' people in the country.