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Ready for today's Oscar Challenge?

Last updated on: February 25, 2011 12:28 IST

Image: George C Scott and Marlon Brando
We wrap up our series of Oscar 1, Oscar 2, Oscar 3, Oscar 4, Oscar 5 and Oscar 6 quizzes with this one. Enjoy!

1. George C Scott and Marlon Brando have both won Oscars for Best Actor. What distinct fact links these two actors?

a. Brando and Scott won for playing famous generals.
b. Both Brando and Scott declined the Oscar.
c. Brando and Scott won for playing the same part in different years.

Ready for today's Oscar Challenge?

Image: Katharine Hepburn and Barbra Streisand
Photographs: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters
2. Barbra Streisand and Katharine Hepburn are the only Oscar winning actresses to do what?

a. Turn down the Oscar.
b. Win for playing the same role some years apart.
c. Win the Oscar jointly.

Ready for today's Oscar Challenge?

Image: Orson Welles, Laurence Olivier, Woody Allen, Warren Beatty, Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh and Robert Benigni
Photographs: Getty Images and Reuters
3. Orson Welles. Laurence Olivier. Woody Allen. Warren Beatty. Clint Eastwood. Kevin Costner. Kenneth Branagh. Robert Benigni. What distinct achievement do they have in common?

Reds), Costner, Eastwood (for both films) won Best Director, and Olivier (the only actor to win playing a Shakespearean character) and Benigni won Best Actor.

Beatty and Branagh didn't win the year Heaven Can Wait and Henry V were nominated. Welles was fobbed off with the Best Screenplay Oscar, which he shared with Herman J Mankiewicz.

Welles, perhaps Hollywood's most original talent ever, was awarded an honourary Oscar in 1970, to make up for the many years the Academy' had ignored his craft.

The Coen brothers -- Ethan and Joel -- are the only bros to be nominated (seven times in different categories; they have won four trophies, including once for Best Director for No Country for Old Men).

Francis Ford Coppola and his only daughter Sofia are the only pa and daughter to be nominated for Best Director. The father thrice, for all three Godfather films; Sofia for Lost in Translation.

Francis Ford won Best Director only once (Godfather II; it also won him the Best Picture and Best Screenplay Oscars).

His work on the first Godfather epic lost out to Bob Fosse's Cabaret (he won Best Screenplay Oscar though). His first Oscar, as we told you in the answer to the first question in this quiz, came for Best Screenplay for Patton.

Sofia's Lost in Translation lost to Peter Jackson for the final part of J R R Tolkien's trilogy: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Like her pa, she took home the Best Screenplay Oscar that night.

Carmine Coppola, Francis Ford's father, won an Oscar for Best Score for Godfather II; he was also nominated for Best Song for the final part of his son's great Mafia epic.

Finally, only two directors have received the Best Director trophy in consecutive years -- John Ford for The Grapes of Wrath (1940) and How Green Was My Valley (1941), and Joseph L Mankiewicz for A Letter to Three Wives (1949) and All About Eve (1950).

Ready for today's Oscar Challenge?

Image: A scene from Slumdog Millionaire
4. Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, Chicago, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Million Dollar Baby, Crash, The Departed, No Country for Old Men, Slumdog Millionaire and The Hurt Locker have all won Oscars in the first decade of the 21st century. What do they have in common?

a. They were all produced by the same studio.
b. Their directors had never won a Best Director Oscar earlier.
c. They all won the Best Picture Oscar.

Ready for today's Oscar Challenge?

Image: Halle Berry reacts to winning the Oscar for Best Actress during the 74th Academy Awards
Photographs: Gary Hershorn/Reuters
5. In 2010, the Academy declared that the winners' acceptance speeches must not exceed how many seconds?

a. 60 seconds.
b. 55 seconds.
c. 45 seconds.

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