Disney has found the Mowgli for their Jungle Book adaptation in the 10-year-old Indian origin boy, Neel Sethi.
Sethi, a novice from New York, will portray the young boy who is raised by jungle animals in the film, which would be helmed by Jon Favreau and scripted by Justin Marks, the Hollywood Reporter reported.
Favreau said that it was vital to find the right kid for
Sethi would also be the only actor to appear in the live-action and animation project, which has already confirmed Idris Elba's voice for tiger Sher Khan, Ben Kingsley's voice for black panther Bagheera.
Meanwhile, Scarlett Johansson and Lupita Nyong'o may also be cast in the Rudyard Kipling classic tale's adaptation, which is anticipated to release in 3D in October 2015.