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P C Sreeram [near left] is one of India's most acclaimed cinematographers.

He began his journey as a photographer at the age of nine when his grandfather gifted him a Brownie camera. Though Sreeram's first attempt at using the camera was a disaster, he gradually mastered the technique. Thereafter he began experimenting with the medium.

Sreeram's days at the Pune Film Institute opened his eyes to world cinema. As the cliché goes, there was no looking back for him.

Sreeram says a film's script must excite him. Else, he does not accept the project. "If I see passion in the eyes of a director, I accept the film."

A veteran of more than two decades and 25 movies, Sreeram considers every film of his a journey. "Cinematography is not a mechanical job," he says. "I don’t want to do it that way."

P C Sreeram lists some of his favourite films.

Text: Shobha Warrier | Design: Uday Kuckian

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