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What motivates you to make a film today?

If one is looking for a deeper meaning in life, money gets a secondary or incidental statue. What's really important is to pursue our dreams and desires.

I desire to make a film that truly entertains. If it makes a lot of money, great, but I can't do a movie only for money's sake.

The objective is the film and the creativity that goes into making it. The money is peripheral. If it were otherwise, it would be like passing off the side dishes as the main course!

As a person, you have become softer -- I won't use the word 'mellow' yet. What brings about the change?

It must be age. It must be the fact that I have been humbled over the last few years with the amount of love I've received. I remember this saying from when I was young: 'Appreciate -- that's the surest path to love.' I think that is what has happened to me. I have been appreciated so much over the last few years that I've learnt to love.

I don't think mellow is correct -- it's just being at peace within, with stardom, with ambition, with everything in my personal life. When one grows old, one grows wiser. It's a trait one develops.

Where is life taking you now?

It's taking me for a fantastic, fun-filled ride, without any jerks!

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