The slogan on posters reading Ab Bus Click Karo is catching attention of commuters, for it is asking them to do away with queues.
Read on to find out how.
Even today it is a tiring and irritating task for most of the commuters to stand sweating in a serpentine ticket reservation queue of railways and buses for hours.
All along the road and rail transport service providers have been struggling that how best could they resolve the issue of long queues.
While putting their act together, in last few years, the online travel players as well as Indian Railways have sensed the vast potency that the market of potential travellers hold and thus introduced the service of online ticket booking for convenience of commuters.
Yet, even in the age of 'dot.com' most of the commuters due to lack of awareness of online ticket booking spend time in queues.
The Nasdaq listed company Make My Trip has understood the need for plugging the communication gap. And in accordance with, for spreading a word about its services of online ticket booking have roped in innovative OOHmedia platform on Mumbai-Pune highway.
These days it's a common sight to see Lonavala and Khandala commuters reading Make My Trip's catchy slogan of Ab Bus Click Karo while spending time at food mall, food hubs and food tracks along Mumbai-Pune
The slogans pasted on stalls, tables and on chairs ensures that the message of online ticketing reaches to potential commuters at right spot.
This unique kind of marketing and advertising carried out by Make My Trip is known as 360 degree activation in which ads do not limit to hoardings but are carried in the form of Audio Visual's-LCD displays, stall displays, product displays, information board, information board, BTL (below the line) activities, wall flex, posters, table top and chair branding, floor branding, standees and hoardings.
This innovative media platform of 360 degree activation is the brainchild of IT Company, Vritti i-Media.
Vritti i-Media, an arm of Vritti Solutions Limited, has developed DigitalWorld, which is an innovative and cost-effective method that enables companies to market and advertise their products and services to tier two and tier three cities and rural markets in the form of audio and audio-visual advertising.
Vritti i-Media's advertising on transit media also includes audio advertising.
Their network is present in over 80 locations at MSRTC-owned bus stands across Maharashtra and reaches out to a transit audience of over 40,000 people everyday.