The Sensex on Tuesday opened 24 points higher at 15,691. Despite yesterday's fall the index today exhibited strength in the morning trades owing to firm cues from the Asian markets and the good monthly car sales numbers.
The BSE benchmark index surged to a high of 15,923, up .. points. However, the index slipped into the negative terrain on the back of sudden selling in the realty, metal and power stocks. The index slipped to a low of 15,475, down .. points from the day's high. The Sensex finally ended at 15,551, down 115 points.
The NSE Nifty finally settled at 4,625, down 37 points.
The market breadth was negative. Out of 2,870 shares traded, 1,150 advanced and 1,656 declined on the BSE on Tuesday.
Mostly all the sectoral indices ended in red with realty index leadng the fall, down 3% at 4,278. It was followed by metal, power, capital goods and healthcare indices, down 1-2% each.
ACC slipped 3.5% to Rs 779, and Sterlite dropped 3% to Rs 654.
HDFC, BHEL and Jaiprakash Associates slipped around 2.5% each to Rs 2,413, Rs 2,261 and Rs 222, respectively.
ONGC, Hindalco, Reliance Infrastructure, DLF, Tata Steel and HDFC Bank declined over 1.5% each.
Maruti surged 7.5% to Rs 1,546. Tata Motors gained around 6% to Rs 518.
Hero Honda and Wipro were up over 1% each at Rs 1,535 and Rs 559, respectively.