General Motors India on Friday launched its premium hatchback Chevrolet Sail U-VA priced between Rs 444,000 and Rs 662,000 (ex-showroom price in Delhi).
The car will be available in both petrol and diesel options. While the petrol version will be powered by 1.2 litre engine, the diesel variant will have a 1.3 litre engine.
"The Sail U-VA is a strong edition to our small car portfolio. With the market preferring bigger cars in the compact segment, with Sail U-VA
The petrol option of the car will be available in four variants between Rs 444,000 and Rs 558,000. The diesel variants will be available in three options priced between Rs 587,000 and Rs 662,000.
General Motors is pinning hopes on Sail to expand volumes in India and expects it to be its best selling model in the country.
At present, the company's compact car Beat is its best selling model in India.