This was announced by the Uttar Pradesh State Transport Minister Naresh Agarwal at the state Legislative Council on Wednesday. He was replyling to a question by Rashtriya Lok Dal leader Munna Singh Chauhan regarding the 'inordinate' delay in implementation of the Reliance Energy Limited project at Bajehda Khurd village in Ghaziabad district.
Refuting Chauhan's claims that the government had bought 2,173 acres of farmers' land and 165 acres of that of gram sabha for the project, Agarwal said the land was acquired after
Former Prime Minister V P Singh and Jan Morcha President Raj Babbar were arrested on August 17 and 18 for defying the ban on addressing a farmers' rally and going near the site against the acquisition of land.
Meanwhile, additional paramilitary forces, including the Rapid Action Force, have been deployed at the project site to prevent any untoward incident, District Magistrate M K S Sundaram told reporters in Ghaziabad.
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