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10 New Year resolutions that get broken

Last updated on: January 2, 2013 10:15 IST

Aditi Bose

According to a survey the tradition of New Year's Resolution almost never lasts for more than a month. Aditi Bose lists out the ten resolutions that almost always get broken

Each year, when the 'New year' is round the corner we make resolutions. It's the popular thing to do. But how many of us actually put in the effort all year through to make it work? The problem is that when we resolve to do something, either its way beyond what we really can do or we lack the determination. No matter how ordinary or 'usual' the promise, you must really want to achieve it and there should be a strong force behind it that drives you.

Here are the top 10 that 'get broken' the quickest and most often.

1. I will give up on smoking

Image: What's your game plan to stop smoking?
Photographs: Stringer/Reuters

Sounds good. However that is where it usually ends. The promise is made while a group of friends take another lungful of smoke inside their bodies. So what's your game plan?

The addiction which you took up because of friends, the rebellious nature of yours or simply because you were told that it de-stresses is difficult to quit. Are you really serious about it? You really think that you will be able to chew on a gum or sip a cup of cinnamon flavour infused green tea instead of the 'sweet smelling nicotine'? Let me tell you, if you are mentally strong then you can. And my sincerest best wishes to all the smokers who really are determined to put in an effort.


2. I will lose weight

Image: Losing weight is on the top priority of a lot of people
Photographs: Bill Branson/Wikimedia Commons

Yes, right! Sure you will. High hopes if you plan to keep munching on all the plum cakes and ham and bacon cheese rolls and toasting to Irish cream throughout this festive season. But that's ok. You needed to make a resolution and so you did. Correct? After all you know it will last for at least a fortnight when you will put in extra effort to drink green tea and live on salads. However, if you are really are serious about it then make a quiet resolve and show up at your friend's doorstep 10kgs thinner after a few months instead!

Don't aim to do everything together. Just take it little at a time. If you don't like gymming, then try some house work or gardening instead. Even those work well. As for the food; no you don't have to live on cucumbers all through the year! In fact don't even think of crash dieting. Eat healthy and nutritious food instead.

Tags: Irish

3. I will begin exercising

Image: Goes in line with Resolution number 2. But can you stick with it?
Photographs: Mike Baird / Creative Commons

The perfect follow-up to resolution #2 is this resolution #3. And most definitely it is one of the most easily broken ones too. Shutting off the television and getting up from the sink-in sofa or shutting off the computer is a very difficult job after all, right?

No, maybe you just like lying down and dreaming of all those men/women with gorgeous bodies and wish you could get it just by closing your eyes. Well, in that case, let me be the one to break the bad news to you -- you don't have the bottled genie!

So if you have resolved to give up on your sedentary life style and become healthy in the New Year, then please get up and take your first step. Don't just sit there reading this article.


4. I will reduce my alcohol intake

Image: It is a noble thought to quit alcohol. But can you really?

Interesting! So when did you make this resolution? When you were already 5 drinks down and in a half drunk state? Or just after you puked all over the place at the New Years Eve party? If you can really remain committed to it though, then a round of applause to you. But almost all the people I have seen, and the sample size is quite big, don't even remember it when they get up on the morning of 1st January with a headache and a hangover.

If you are serious about sticking to it for the rest of the 365 days, then start by asking yourself the question "how long have I managed to stay without a drink?" And then increase that gap. But not giving in to the allure of a drink will require an immense amount of will power; let me warn you from now.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

5. I will study hard this year

Image: Will you be able to give up all distractions to study hard this year?

OK let me be honest -- the last time I heard a kid saying this I really found it funny. And you say that this is your resolution for 2013? Are you sure you will be able to give up on all the Facebooking, Twittering, chats, parties, movies etc and sit in front of that book and really study? And if you really are sure that this year you will make it work then give yourself a pat on your shoulder.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

6. I will spend more time with my family

Image: Wanting to spend time with your family needs extra special efforts

Really? I find it a little amusing, especially since its coming from you 'Mr. Workaholic'. When was the last time you came home for a reason other than to sleep on your bed? And you think you can make 2013 any different?

OK so you are really adamant that you will live up to this promise? Great! Then start small -- eat a dinner of home cooked food at home, don't take that call from work on Sunday when your kids want you to play with them, take your parents for a movie.

Take a few moments out of your hectic life to be with your family - don't shatter this resolution.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

7. I will change my attitude

Image: Changing attitude is more difficul than you can imagine.

Yes you are a caterpillar and you will turn into a butterfly! Wishful thinking! It's easy to say things like "I won't be judgmental", "I will control my emotions", "I won't live in the past" etc and it's a totally different ball game to actually achieve it.

Nah! I don't think this one is even possible. But you are determined to give it a try then here's the simplest trick. Changing completely is not possible but trying to be more patient with people is.

So next time you want to voice your opinion vociferously or give in to negative thoughts, breathe deeply, think a little, form the words in your mind and then slowly speak.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

8. I will manage my finances better

Image: Resist temptations to stick with these resolutions

Wonderful! So next time when you go grocery shopping, you won't enter the shop next door to buy yourself the designer dress? And for all the men who are planning to make this their resolution - you really are sure that if you already have an iPad at home, you will be able to accept that buying the newly launched iPad Mini is not a necessary expenditure? Oh forget it!

We've all made this promise to ourselves. But looking away from the gorgeous pair of earrings or the latest electronic gadgets can be quite an uphill task -- even when the money is depleting fast from your account.

If you really are serious enough to stick to this resolution then do realize that this will have to be an ongoing process and not one that ends on January 15. But if your resolution does see the light of day and you do manage to save a little of your income each month (with the amount increasing monthly) then don't forget to feel happy with yourself.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

9. I will not fall in love again

Image: Ah! The love bug. Will you be smitten again?
Photographs: Sharayah Sherry, USA/Wikimedia Commons

Oh! So you broke up again? What was the excuse this time? Your friend said he was boring or did she not allow you PDA at the New Year's Eve party?

Truly, nowadays 'falling in love' is like fashion - changes every week! Why people find it so difficult to make adjustments and make a relationship work instead of 'calling it off due to incompatibility' is something beyond my comprehension. Coming back to your resolution - now that you have resolved 'never to' again, how long do you plan to make it last? Till end of January? After all one has to 'be in love' before Valentine's Day, right?

Tags: PDA

10. I will find a job this year

Image: Can YOU find a job this year?

So which type are you? One who likes to live off his parent's money without any guilt in the world or one who keeps getting fired? Either ways, for you find a job that you will manage to stick on to for the entirety of the coming year looks quite impossible or me. Either because you will not be able to get up in the morning because you are so used to sleeping till late while breakfast bought by your father's money is served to you or because you refuse to work hard enough and become productive in office.

But with some luck, if that glass of wine that you were having at the New Year's Eve party has caused a metamorphosis, then here's me wishing you good luck by raising a toast to your resolution. Cheers!

So this was my top 10 'broken promises' list. Can you think of any? Please do share.  Till next time, here is hoping that this year you make a resolution that you will adhere to, else make none at all. Wish you all a Very Happy 2013!

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

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