On May 11 we launched our campaign against caste in census 2011 and responses from readers have been pouring in. While some merely through this which should in anyway be avoided..I,therefore,join the campaign against caste census and the caste system itself... 4023 : June 4, 2010, 2:09 pm
Signed by: B J Maheshwari
Comment: Even after more than 60 years of independence ,we are still bogged down with issues of caste based Census ,which should have been a good bye long ago ,when would we think of development of economy,upliftment of poor,providing basic health facilities to all and move towards corruption free society ,these issues need immediate attention of the ruling party.Last Lok sabha election is a fair indication that people have voted for development . 4022 : June 4, 2010, 2:05 pm
Signed by: Ramesh
Comment: Caste division is for politics and for politicians. Blast on it on curse on caste census ! For any politicians he will say YES - This is there investment for future Politics and money spinner. As a Indian = No to caste census !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4021 : June 4, 2010, 2:04 pm
Signed by: Jayant
Comment: i believe in caste free india , and every people should get same respect , status , apportunity in social life , education and other . We can see caste free life in metros and some cities but in rural areas everything is depends upon caste. Take latest example some JATS people have burned houses of Dalits in HARYANA , so this is respect is giving one human to other human ??, In India its happening everyday Bottomline is caste system is true & fact and nobody wants to remove it,It should have been removed at political & social level but we cann't see it. Anyway caste base census is needed it should be done. 4020 : June 4, 2010, 2:01 pm
Signed by: who-is-this!
Comment: amazing how the little things persist - the caste delineation was introduced with the understanding that it would be removed in 10 yrs (ie: sunset clause) - not only has it persisted but there are now exotic flavors too - creamy layers and all! anything caste-ist shd be removed and the nation shd act in integrated form ... politicians & others who divert the people's monies to their personal benefit are commiting capital crimes and shd be executed swiftly (ie: capital punishment for capital crimes) - losing a few (or few thousand) politicians thus will drive the message home swiftly 4019 : June 4, 2010, 2:00 pm
Signed by: Thomas
Comment: Castaway priests and politicians are to be castigated for castellating caste system in india 4018 : June 4, 2010, 1:56 pm
Signed by: Pradeep
Comment: cast based census will divide the countery,if government wants to know excat number for reservation,reservation should be on the basis of economic condition,not on the basis of caste.so many who belong to higher caste category ,but they are poor. 4017 : June 4, 2010, 1:53 pm
Signed by: Siva
Comment: Dont divide India on Caste basis. Stop Catse practises. 4016 : June 4, 2010, 1:51 pm
Signed by: R.K.Sharma
Comment: 4015 : June 4, 2010, 1:51 pm
Signed by: guru kalshetti
Comment: stupid political leaders are demanding religious census. please dear politicians ( mulayam, lalu, & yadav) demand census for only indian not for cross border people who are in india illegally. 4014 : June 4, 2010, 1:48 pm
Signed by: Bhwani Singh
Comment: Does anyone know why the government wants caste based census. What are there actual intentions. can anyoe share this with all of us. 4013 : June 4, 2010, 1:34 pm
Signed by: Bharath
Comment: 4012 : June 4, 2010, 1:30 pm
Signed by: vivek Jadon
Comment: Caste based Census is to facilitate (1) Vote Bank (2)Divide and rule Policy (3) Means to form the government 4011 : June 4, 2010, 1:27 pm
Signed by: KARUN
Signed by: Mehul
Comment: If we are to continue with reservation quota, we need cast based census. I do not like cast based reservation or census. If you do not have any problem with cast based reservations, you should not have problem with cast based census. 4009 : June 4, 2010, 1:24 pm
Signed by: hari prasadh
Comment: Quota system should be based on economy and not casted based.For our growth sake as well to bridge the partition lets not bring in CASTE based census.JAI HIND ! 4008 : June 4, 2010, 1:24 pm
Signed by: Sunil Doshi
Comment: This is path of Dividing people for silly polical game. Politicians like Lalu, mulayam , Mayawati should be barred from entering into our assembly and parliament. We want talent to grow in this country. 4007 : June 4, 2010, 1:23 pm
Signed by: Sharad Rajvanshi
Comment: I'm against caste base census 4006 : June 4, 2010, 1:23 pm
Signed by: bhatia
Comment: As a common citizen of this great country of ours, I strongly believe the only castes we have left now are of the "haves" and the "have-nots"; in other words, "India" and "Bharat". Any other classification will only prove to be divisive for our hetrogenous society, which is already polarized in the name of religion, state and the like. For political parties which are more interested in their vote banks, the addition of caste to the Census would provide further impetus to be used for their nefarious designs, overlooking the overall good of our country. regards, 4005 : June 4, 2010, 1:22 pm
Signed by: Ashok Nayar
Comment: Caste based system is against the constitutional roght of equality. Poor people from higher caste get no benefits even though they are in dire need of the benefits whereas very very rich from lower caste misuse the the system for personal benefits and donot allow the benefits to percolate down ro the needy even in lower castes. This is just misuse of benefits and votebank politics and also allowing dynstic and ghetoo system in our society. Castesism should be completely removed and only needy in all types of Indians should be given any benefits with a proper control and stringent punishment for tose misusing the benefits. Only the India can grow to a super power. 4004 : June 4, 2010, 1:22 pm
Signed by: Bhagwati Prasad
Comment: The persons heading the country and thinking on caste lines seem to have gone berserk. We talk of casteless society on the one hand and devide the country by undertaking census with mention of castes. If this conntinues to happen, the people at the bootom will never come to top. yes,Laloos and Paswans will bask in the sun of prosperity. 4003 : June 4, 2010, 1:16 pm
Signed by: Major KVRajan
Comment: I detest both religion and caste.We have treied with religion and caste and we failed.let us give a chnce to society without religion and caste.Religion and caste have proved that they could only divide 4002 : June 4, 2010, 1:16 pm
Signed by: Manjunath Bhatt
Comment: I am not only against caste based census, also against caste based reservation. 4001 : June 4, 2010, 1:09 pm
Signed by: Suprio Ghosh
Comment: R we forwarding towards a nu century or r retarding towards 18th century? 4000 : June 4, 2010, 12:53 pm
Signed by: Muhammad Yusuf Khan
Comment: I believe, caste census is right thing, although we have democratic system but every community (hindus/muslim/christian etc.) have rights to know their approx. population. what we have is the 30 years old figure of census, which I believe is outdated . 3999 : June 4, 2010, 11:28 am
Comment: AN IAS officer once said, (himself a Harijan) We don't need reservations, we don't need your mercy or sympathy, we don't need jobs...just don't see us with a different eye and remove the tag'Harijan' from us....Caste based census...This is India in 21st century 3998 : June 4, 2010, 11:11 am
Signed by: Aniket Vaidya
Comment: Please do a census based on PRESENT Financial condition of every Indian Family. There are many poor Brahmins, Vanis, etc who are not considered as OBC. And there are many Rich OBC's who don't need reservation.. WHY CASTE.. WHY not PRESENT Financial condition of every Indian Family ?? FOR OBC votes is that it what you care for ??? 3997 : June 4, 2010, 9:47 am
Signed by: Avinash
Comment: I dont see any difference between the jiziya tax imposed by the mughals to declaring my caste in the census. Practically the same. 3996 : June 4, 2010, 9:10 am
Signed by: udhay.s
Comment: This will create hugggggggge divisions in the already divided society, Govt has gone really crazy, if the Govt goes ahead, this will be the BIGGGEST BLUNDER in the Indian history post independance, caste has been the root cause of most of the social evils, UNTOUCHABILITY, RACISM, DOWRY, NEPOTISM in every field, SATI, HONOUR KILLING. In this era, where scientists across the world have started creating LIFE ARTIFICIALLY, we are killing people for falling in LOVE. Lot of Talibans already in our soil, please DONT HELP to create more. Mr. Prime minister, to help people, they should be identified based on their economic status, and NOT BASED ON THEIR CASTE. All (if any) good work done will be UTTER WASTE if the society is not stable. DONT BE AN ECONOMIC PRIME MINISTER, BE A SOCIO-ECONOMIC PRIME MINISTER
'First they want to remove the caste bias then want to conduct caste based census'
3995 : June 4, 2010, 9:09 am Signed by: Udhay.s Comment: This will create hugggggggge divisions in the already divided society, Govt has gone really crazy, if the Govt goes ahead, this will be the BIGGGEST BLUNDER in the Indian history post independance, caste has been the root cause of most of the social evils, UNTOUCHABILITY, RACISM, DOWRY, NEPOTISM in every field, SATI, HONOUR KILLING. In this era, where scientists across the world have started creating LIFE ARTIFICIALLY, we are killing people for falling in LOVE. Lot of Talibans already in our soil, please DONT HELP to create more. Mr. Prime minister, to help people, they should be identified based on their economic status, and NOT BASED ON THEIR CASTE. All (if any) good work done will be UTTER WASTE if the society is not stable. DONT BE AN ECONOMIC PRIME MINISTER, BE A SOCIO-ECONOMIC PRIME MINISTER |
3994 : June 4, 2010, 8:09 am Signed by: A.B.GUPTA Comment: Caste census even if it is done, there is no harm.After all it is census. Reservations of jobs, education etc based on caste is more dangerous.When we can not remove reservations based on caste system, why object caste census. |
3993 : June 4, 2010, 8:04 am Signed by: A.B.GUPTA Comment: |
3992 : June 4, 2010, 7:55 am Signed by: navraj Comment: all of us(the Indians) should try our best to abolish Caste system in India so that our country can prosper and everyone will have equal rights to live here |
3991 : June 4, 2010, 7:48 am Signed by: RAGHU Comment: Cast Census is will lead to 1947 post independence Part 2 |
3990 : June 4, 2010, 7:26 am Signed by: Sushant Comment: I think we have to look in other way.It's fantastic time to show Country's integrity.Irrespective of any caste or religion ,please register yourself as Indian. |
3989 : June 4, 2010, 7:14 am Signed by: Suresh Katta Comment: Why, do we still need caste system? More reasons to create hate and segregate people. If this system had worked, it wouldnt have taken us 60yrs..at what point do the politicians call it quits on a broken caste based reservation system. Please, ppl, all of us, we need to wake up!! |
3988 : June 4, 2010, 4:53 am Signed by: savita Comment: There should not be any caste, religion in census. These |
3987 : June 4, 2010, 2:04 am Signed by: Navneet Comment: First they want to remove the caste bias then want to conduct caste based census. What a contradiction!! |
3986 : June 4, 2010, 1:41 am Signed by: Ajit Comment: |
3985 : June 4, 2010, 1:08 am Signed by: Chandra Nagineni Comment: Nation is divided on religion basis already, do not further divide the nation on caste basis also. How come these old ready-to-die people with me-and-my-kids-first agenda runs my country. God if you really exists save the nation for these people. |
3984 : June 3, 2010, 10:56 pm Signed by: Anant Sabat Comment: Caste Based System create a long term problem.It provide some political benifit at short term , however create huge problem for future like Quota.Its high time politician should realise it |
3983 : June 3, 2010, 10:47 pm Signed by: mahesh Comment: Why rediff given title as "campaign against caste in census"? The title itself is WRONG. It should be "campaign against caste". 'in cencus' should be removed. In fact our system is widely based on "reservations" and for that we should know the exact figures. Unless until there are reservations the caste will remian and for that we should know those numbers. So either remove caste and those reservations (for united India) or we should include caste in cencus to take better decisions. |
3982 : June 3, 2010, 9:25 pm Signed by: Prakash Comment: It is disgusting to see that some dirty politicians are trying to include 'caste' as a criterion in the ongoing census. First we have to kick away these DIRTY politicians. But I think the 'religion' should stay in census. |
3981 : June 3, 2010, 5:38 pm Signed by: Indraraj. R Comment: Casteism is one of the curse that Humans have developed. |
3980 : June 3, 2010, 5:34 pm Signed by: chetan bhojani Comment: It's shameful job. Stop it immediately. Do not divide us !! |
3979 : June 3, 2010, 4:25 pm Signed by: amit sharma Comment: its a good try for currepted politicians |
3978 : June 3, 2010, 1:36 pm Signed by: Suresh PS Comment: Dear All I have seen most of them with surname or with there cast name after there Name like--->>> Jain,Sharma,chaterji,pandit,reddy,naidu,joshi,and our first citizen of India is also with CASTE Name Patil,.... dear indians if caste feeling has to be eradicated first and for most we should strike out our tail in the name, But still we are United because of our Pharivar and Khandan Customs , Pls encourage the CASTE in Censes, it will not brake us but it will still MAKE US UNITED IN DIVERSITY, We are still united because of CASTESIUM in india or by this time Conversion could have erased us which is trying from 1700 A.D and Mughal's who have tried from 1200 A.D, but still we are United Just because of Casteisum, i believe you all people are what is RANGANATH MISHRA who suggested to create DALIT CHRISTINE ( this are people who converted from hindu ) Caste, so pls Encourage caste bases census, jai Hind.... |
3977 : June 3, 2010, 1:06 pm Signed by: Dinesh Hindustani Comment: These netas are doing english concept "DIVIDE AND RULE". we common man have to understand and oppose the census concept,the census can be basis of income. |
3976 : June 3, 2010, 7:33 am Signed by: Recruiter Here Comment: |
3975 : June 2, 2010, 2:52 am Signed by: Sridhar Vudutha Comment: Yes. I believe that caste is a biggest hurdle for India's growth. It should be eliminated and all people should be treated equally. |
3974 : June 1, 2010, 11:23 am Signed by: sandeep Comment: it will worsen situation of casteism in india |
3973 : May 31, 2010, 8:02 pm Signed by: Indira Comment: Caste is one thing that needs to be abolished immediately in India!!!! Every One needs to be treated equally!!!We need to remove the Caste option in every application(10th,Intermediate and everything).I still remember my 10th class public examination application,I was asked my caste(SC/ST/BC/OC) in the application.When I told my adminstrator in Guntur that I dont know what Iam..he felt I was lying.I had to call my Dad about what needs to be selected.I came to know about my caste in Graduation as I was literally behind my parents for that answer. If there is no caste question in Adminstraion Papers,Iam sure no one will ever have a caste thing in their mind.Iam really proud of my parents for not inculcating caste and religion differences in me.We are human beings..The only difference is Man and Woman.We all come from Mother's Womb and die in the Grave. |
3972 : May 31, 2010, 4:51 pm Signed by: Haritha Comment: |
3971 : May 31, 2010, 4:00 pm Signed by: Tej Comment: Our caste system is the root cause for all our problems.. partly naxalism, caste reservations, incompetent politicians and above all ..infighting..among ourselves just because we belong to different castes.If we stop recognising and identifying each other a persons of so and so caste and instead as a fellow person..we will have a better society and better growth. Its time for us to move ahead, not go back.I am against caste census. |
3970 : May 31, 2010, 3:59 pm Signed by: SUKDEB DAS Comment: This has already hampered a lot in the progress in India. If it is not dealt properly it may blacken the face of India. |
3969 : May 31, 2010, 11:45 am Signed by: Raj Comment: CASTEism will divide us and will make us weaker.. We can never be super power until we get rid of it. |
3968 : May 31, 2010, 9:27 am Signed by: Amol Comment: Why the hell in so called SECULAR india every thing is based on caste.It is exactly opposite what was expected.Every one should be INDIAN and not a single decision should be biased towards caste or religion |
3967 : May 31, 2010, 9:13 am Signed by: mayuresh Comment: I am an Indian ... that's it |
3966 : May 31, 2010, 8:54 am Signed by: Deb Pal Comment: We are Indians and thats our identity ! The issues of caste, regionalism, etc will drag us back to the stone age and our dream of regaining the "Golden India" will remain elusive. So, please take out these irritants from each and every sphere of our life. Lets all remind ourselves - "United we stand, Divided we fall !" Thus, lets all remain united and throw away this castetist mindset for a brighter and prosperous India where everybody can have food, clothes, house & freedom. |
3965 : May 31, 2010, 8:44 am Signed by: Sayantan Mondal Comment: We have no caste.Only caste is Indian and most importantly we are human beings.We should abolish all these caste systems.Jai Hind. |
3964 : May 31, 2010, 8:44 am Signed by: Ratnesh Comment: I do not favor the census based on caste which is simply going to benefit the politician and those who want to divide and rule. |
3963 : May 31, 2010, 8:43 am Signed by: wiseguy Comment: The castes/sub-castes which have reduced their number will be disadvantaged vs those which promote higher number of family members. Its like punishing the good guy. Reservation should be reduced by 1% per year -minimum for a better and bright tomorrow. |
3962 : May 31, 2010, 8:43 am Signed by: Guru Prasad Kalluraya Comment: |
3961 : May 31, 2010, 8:39 am Signed by: sudhir Comment: Let's not go back in time. |
3960 : May 31, 2010, 8:39 am Signed by: Ajith T Comment: Caste based stuff should be restricted to history textbooks |
3959 : May 31, 2010, 8:37 am Signed by: Venkat Comment: I am totally against to this caste system. |
3958 : May 31, 2010, 8:37 am Signed by: prashant Comment: Stop looking at the small picture .. look at the big picture.. Forget caste, we all are Indians. That's how history will remember us "Indians" and only "Indians" |
3957 : May 31, 2010, 8:35 am Signed by: Santosh R Comment: I dont know how effective writing in this site will be but still I hope it will open the eyes of Sonia Gandhi. Even though congress boasts about Manmohan Singh's abilities but still they appear to be uneducated illeterates when it comes to caste based politics. Anything done on basis of income will be highly appreciated. If caste based census is made then I feel my vote to congress was a waste and will never vote again. |
3956 : May 31, 2010, 6:04 am Signed by: Raj Comment: Don't divide the country based on caste...why not have census based on income? Pass on the benefits of govt to needy... |
3955 : May 31, 2010, 5:56 am Signed by: Anup Comment: 5000 years old caste system is an outdated concept. In today's competitive and global environment we do not accept or reject people based on castes. We simply look for right character, attitude and talent. If caste system is so important then why not implemented in Loksabha and Rajyasabha first. Why only for common people?? |
3954 : May 31, 2010, 5:50 am Signed by: jay kumar mishra Comment: Caste is one of the biggest thing hindering India's growth. ONE NATION - ONE RELIGION - INDIAN |
3953 : May 31, 2010, 3:07 am Signed by: Geeta Ram Comment: I am strictly against the cast-based census, we are united as one single cast and that INDIAN. |
3952 : May 31, 2010, 3:04 am Signed by: raghavendra Comment: i am against the cast based census. ask more productive questions abt. education/income etc... |
3951 : May 31, 2010, 3:00 am Signed by: elvira Krishnan Comment: I am very very much against Caste. I sincerely pray that the column 'caste' appearing in any forms to be completed by us Indians should be never printed. Whenever I have had to fill in many forms be it either for admission to school, college, Govt. job, private jobs or for that matter any form to be filled in, I have always mentioned 'INDIAN'. Even while completing an employment form way back in 1952, I filled up that column as'Indian' Who made this division, it was MAN MADE to suit his own purpose. There is no .right for anyone in this World to look down on any human being and segregate people in this beautiful God's Creation. It only brings in hatred and division among humans Caste creates division, meanness, hatred, meanness and the list can go on and on. The Government of India should delete this column of 'CASTE' from all its forms and should also see that the State Govts. do likewise. This is my prayer |
3950 : May 31, 2010, 3:00 am Signed by: Jamini Comment: |
3949 : May 31, 2010, 2:58 am Signed by: elvira Krishnan Comment: I am very very much against Caste. I sincerely pray that the column 'caste' appearing in any forms to be completed by us Indians should be never printed. Whenever I have had to fill in many forms be it either for admission to school, college, Govt. job, private jobs or for that matter any form to be filled in, I have always mentioned 'INDIAN'. Even while completing an employment form way back in 1952, I filled up that column as'Indian' Who made this division, it was MAN MADE to suit his own purpose. There is no .right for anyone in this World to look down on any human being and segregate people in this beautiful God's Creation. It only brings in hatred and division among humans Caste creates division, meanness, hatred, meanness and the list can go on and on. The Government of India should delete this column of 'CASTE' from all its forms and should also see that the State Govts. do likewise. |
3948 : May 31, 2010, 2:45 am Signed by: Kiran Comment: |
3947 : May 31, 2010, 1:05 am Signed by: Dinesh Comment: My caste is Indian and full stop... its time to stop dividing people based on different factors. We all are Indian. |
3946 : May 31, 2010, 12:28 am Signed by: shailesh Comment: i dont know my caste and i dont want to knw either.i just know one thing i am an INDIAN. |
3945 : May 31, 2010, 12:28 am Signed by: Ashish Comment: A new mantra for a new age - One Nation, Undivided. Not birth but karma is our identity. Leave Mother India a better place than you find it. Some simple hopes and suggestions: Treat others with the dignity you desire for yourself. Help someone in economic need. Educate a socially underprivileged child. Feed or clothe a homeless child. Never vote on the basis of caste. Never vote for a corrupt politican. Never offer or take a bribe, even at a high cost to yourself. |
'Political leaders trading in this caste business should be banned from contesting elections'
3944 : May 31, 2010, 12:11 am Signed by: Sagar Utturkar Comment: I do not believe in caste system. It should be definitely removed from India. There can be only two caste - "Human" or "Animal" |
3943 : May 31, 2010, 12:11 am Signed by: B Bhatt Comment: This should be unconstitutional. How is this allowed or let to happen? PLEASE NO differentiation based on Race, Religion or Region in India. The politicians are going to use this to their advantage and garner vote banks. Look what Mayavati did to use caste to grab UP - and did to the state now building her statues through out the state with public money when people in state are in utter poverty and infrastructure in shambles). |
3942 : May 31, 2010, 12:08 am Signed by: Hariprasaad Comment: Caste were once part of our culture and to make no difference among people quata system was brought up to make low caste (once) to other backward people to be up in thier life and give them more opportunity.IF this systemw as sucess by 60 years after making this system should be no caste and difference. Pplicy makers should think the fact if a system is fail or success after having such thing for 60 years. There should not be any difference by so called caste. |
3941 : May 31, 2010, 12:04 am Signed by: Abhishek Vishwakarma Comment: My Cast is Indian |
3940 : May 30, 2010, 11:54 pm Signed by: Ashok Comment: Politicians please do not bake your bread by spreading caste issue. Because of your narrow thoughts only india is we are not coming up. |
3939 : May 30, 2010, 11:47 pm Signed by: srinath appala Comment: i do not have a cast |
3938 : May 30, 2010, 11:44 pm Signed by: Srinivasa Rao Dasari Comment: Those who are demanding case based sensus, only want to continue with their caste based politics which is merely helping feed the crooked politicians' ambitions. India has only two castes, if you want to say so. They are - Economically bakcward and economically forward. All govt. efforts/programs should be based on this and bridge the gap between these two. |
3937 : May 30, 2010, 10:15 pm Signed by: Suraj Goyal Comment: The logic given for caste census is that it will help provide data that will help in formulating development policies for backward castes. However, last so many decades has shown that no such program has ever benefited anyone significantly. Its time that politicians make policies that ensure development of entire India and not create divisional policies. |
3936 : May 30, 2010, 9:42 pm Signed by: akc42 Comment: The caste system has to be completely abolished from our system.It is creating a strong gap among ourselves.On the contrary economic condition of the people which ever caste may he/she be should get the priority.Nothing else to be considered. Political leaders trade in this caste business to be banned from contesting election. |
3935 : May 30, 2010, 9:24 pm Signed by: Gaurav Chopra Comment: Its completely out of place to even think of a caste census. We all are Indians and Indians only. The age old demon of caste discrimination needs to go away in modern India. I know that it is still prevelant in some rural areas but someone needs to take one step. I am against any caste census and caste based reservations too. Reservations should also be only for the underpreviledged and poor not for rich or resourceful who use this according to their advantage |
3934 : May 30, 2010, 9:21 pm Signed by: Harsh Comment: If anybody have to live in India then he/she has to love India.No choice,No caste no Nothing.Vande Mataram |
3933 : May 30, 2010, 9:10 pm Signed by: dibya dutta Comment: Caste is a meaningless parameter. It is divisive and should not be encourage for mere political gain. |
3932 : May 30, 2010, 8:23 pm Signed by: Krishnamoorthi Comment: When we are going to be a matured people in civilisation. when we are going to eliminate caste. This is democratic country . All are equal. |
3931 : May 30, 2010, 8:18 pm Signed by: R.Hariharasubramanian,Chennai-102 Comment: Let the census based on caste element also be taken, along with economic,education,wealth and other welfare status like owning a house, motorcar, helicopter etc., not to promote caste but to eschew it. Our society, whether we like it or opposite it,is having a strong caste denominator and to gauge its volume and reach should have an authentic figure.However, while taking the census, the couple who have their castes ironed out by means of love and inter caste marriages should be branded with a neo caste in order to show that the caste system is dying amongst educated and enlightened citizens. This group's statistics should be an eye opener for all the politicians who cry hoarse against caste systems but strictly follow the same when they marry off their sons and daughters. Actully, the caste system based census should promote a common crusade against that evil itself, and finally become a catalyst for killing the same. |
3930 : May 30, 2010, 8:16 pm Signed by: Sreekanth Agneeaswaran Comment: Let's strengthen this initiative and do some something to take the mission forward, so that the powers that be are forced to do away with caste-based census. Otherwise, this is will be a futile exercise. While we keep collecting signatures, shrewd politicians would use their clout to get caste-based census ratified. |
3929 : May 30, 2010, 8:14 pm Signed by: Ravi Comment: I hate basic idea of caste in any developed societies . Its double edged sword . It is only used by politicians just to divide and rule |
3928 : May 30, 2010, 8:12 pm Signed by: Tusar Kole Comment: I am against caste census. Why to go for caste based census, when we are trying to diminish caste barrier. We are Indian first and foremost and the last word. TKKOLE |
3927 : May 30, 2010, 8:12 pm Signed by: Rajnish K. singh Comment: I feel in India castism issues are really promoted by Indian government and all political parties. These parties are ready to sell our country just to get few extra vote. Time has come that we youth of India should start a big movement against the caste system. |
3926 : May 30, 2010, 8:09 pm Signed by: akshay Comment: People who are against caste based census are high caste people who are against reservation for weaker section in India.can people here are ready for marriage of their family member with low caste people?can they give respect to lower caste people? Iam against caste based census provided high caste people have good intensions to oppose it!!! |
3925 : May 30, 2010, 8:07 pm Signed by: Suman Comment: Hell ya..... I'm totally against this damn thing all the way..... |
3924 : May 30, 2010, 8:07 pm Signed by: Amolak Comment: |
3923 : May 30, 2010, 8:07 pm Signed by: J Lakshmipathi Comment: The caste is an imaginary word which is only helps to make poor people become poor and millionaire become again millionaire, its create problem between peoples, it creates difference of living between people, it helps to create many political parties, it helps more to getting the votes from innocent peoples, in the name of caste from Rs. 1000 /month income holder's children to 5 lak/month income holder's children to get reservation to join school/college, getting Train ticket and Jobs (from Clerk to Collector) So this Caste system we should not carry to our next generation, J Lakshmipathi |
3922 : May 30, 2010, 8:07 pm Signed by: sudhir Comment: |
3921 : May 30, 2010, 8:07 pm Signed by: Biren Singh Comment: I am an Indian, and that's the caste I know of. Someone got a problem with that, let's have it man to man. |
3920 : May 30, 2010, 8:06 pm Signed by: sushil Comment: This caste counting in census should be completely eliminated. This is going to give nothing good to the country. Even i say all the quota system along with caste reservation should be totally removed. It only blocks the potential candidates to go ahead and do good for the country. After the counting of the people on the basis of the caste these politician belonging to specific caste will always try to show their power in wrong way and then he will try to put all his demands in an illegal way. and as we all have seen time and again government always bend down in front of those demands even if they prove to be of no worth to the country. To become a Developed country from a developing country we need to finish these caste quota and counting people after dividing them. Lets Finish unequality lets stop being getting divided on basis of caste and creed. Lets finish all this silly caste, quota and cheap thoughts. lets go ahead. leave the past live in present. LETS BE JUST INDIAN....... JAI HIND. |
3919 : May 30, 2010, 8:06 pm Signed by: S Menon Comment: I am signing on a condition I would gleefully sign this campaign if the signatories of the campaign will also would agree to marry themselves and/or siblings and/or their kids based on this 'caste' of 'indian'. If on the contrary, they won't, I won't sign this campaign and would call the signatories hypocritical castist out to sabotage whatever benefits the caste based reservation is providing to its historical beneficiaries. |
3918 : May 30, 2010, 8:05 pm Signed by: Hedonist Comment: Why do we have religion and gender based census? Why rediffwalas oppose only caste based census why dont they oppose religion and gender based census? Rediff double standard exposed Vote FOR caste census |
3917 : May 30, 2010, 8:03 pm Signed by: ramaprasad Comment: Gr8 |
3916 : May 30, 2010, 7:58 pm Signed by: Zishan Comment: Its high time that we unite and fight against the devilish system of caste. |
3915 : May 30, 2010, 7:57 pm Signed by: Bharat Comment: I am against the caste census! |
3914 : May 30, 2010, 7:55 pm Signed by: rakesh gupta Comment: This is very unfortunate that government is thinking of caste based census. we all are 1st "HUMAN BEING" and then "INDIAN" ! Caste based census will increase the differences among fellow indians ...LETS SAY NO TO CASTE BASED CENSUS! |
3913 : May 30, 2010, 7:55 pm Signed by: Senthil Comment: Caste should cease to exist. Shun castism and anything caste based. We are Indians. Only them we develop and we are humans. |
3912 : May 30, 2010, 7:55 pm Signed by: B.Jayaprada Comment: |
3911 : May 30, 2010, 7:54 pm Signed by: Srinivas.B.N Comment: |
3910 : May 30, 2010, 7:53 pm Signed by: Padmavati.B Comment: |
3909 : May 30, 2010, 7:51 pm Signed by: AV Comment: I am not comfortable with this idea of caste census. |
3908 : May 30, 2010, 7:48 pm Signed by: Dr.B.V.Bharati Comment: If this goes on it will divide us to such an extent that one fine day there will be nothing Indian about us. |
3907 : May 30, 2010, 7:45 pm Signed by: K V Gautam Comment: i am strongly against this stupid caste system. |
3906 : May 30, 2010, 7:44 pm Signed by: R.P.Tripathi Comment: This is nothing but pure politics.We are only Indian.The day will come soon when we will again play in other's hand .This type of caste census should immediately be stopped. |
3905 : May 30, 2010, 7:39 pm Signed by: C Ganapathy Comment: |
3904 : May 30, 2010, 7:38 pm Signed by: Ravikumar GK Comment: We don't need caste based census. This would help the political parties to field their candidates based on the majority caste of the constituency, and all the other justifications is a cover up. The country is already divided, we cannot afford further division based on caste. Once these numbers are out, the people begin to do their math for their political gain, either by demands for reservation quota's etc. If at all the government wants to make the caste as mandatory declaration, there should be a field where people should be allowed the option of "Caste Neutral" status. |
3903 : May 30, 2010, 7:38 pm Signed by: Bharath Sai Comment: Caste system has to be eliminated systemicly |
3902 : May 30, 2010, 7:35 pm Signed by: True Indian Comment: Bringing in this will take us to Ancient times. Vision 2020 itself is not so aggressive planning. |
3901 : May 30, 2010, 7:35 pm Signed by: Abhishek Desai Comment: It is hardly a secret that no political party would actually want the caste system to go away as it would one of the most prominent meaningless topic on which they survive. Some parties like BSP have emerged on the very basis of caste system. So when a PM like our distinguished 'Dr.' Manmohan Singh favours caste politics, I don't see caste taking a backseat, much less being abolished altogether. I think that with reservations (affitmative action)in for jobs in the private sector being discussed, there is no way India can be free of its caste system. In the long run, there may be only one alternative left for the non-ST, non-SC, non-OBC fellows.... WESTWARD HO! |
3900 : May 30, 2010, 7:33 pm Signed by: Niranjan Reddy R Comment: I am Indian not OC,BC,SC or ST. Hate all these politicians who licks our cheppals for all these votes and introduce all these casts. Hate these new rules and run the government with open mind. |
3899 : May 30, 2010, 7:31 pm Signed by: T.Chandrasekhar Comment: I am against the caste census! |
3898 : May 30, 2010, 7:30 pm Signed by: Prabakaran Comment: Castesim is no different from racism, which is discriminatory and is an disease in our society. It will certainly be the biggest hindrance for the progress of our country. our motherland has always fallen easily to foreign powers, because India as a whole was never united apart from the freedom movement. If we make that mistake again, and discrimintae and hate other Indians based upon their birth.. then it will not be long before hisory repeats itself. The most important culprits for caste bias still floroushing in our country are the politicians.They thrive on caste and dividing people. the same strategy which was used by the British duling their colonial rule. First and foremost steps should be taken to stop collecting the details of kids who join school. This is where the seeds are sown in the young minds of the future India. Also harsher punishments should be enforced for who ever raises the name of any caste. and most important of all, reservation should be based on economic status and not upon his so called caste. All this will require a modern bold selfless genius at the head of the Indian political and judicial systems. this will also require drastic changes to our constituion. Until then we have we live along with this demon. I am proud to be an Indian. |
3897 : May 30, 2010, 7:30 pm Signed by: Jai Comment: Behind every successful politician there is a caste. So in the next elections please vote. and Vote sensibly.... long live India.... |
3896 : May 30, 2010, 7:27 pm Signed by: manoj Comment: |
3895 : May 30, 2010, 7:27 pm Signed by: vrushali Comment: |
3894 : May 30, 2010, 7:24 pm Signed by: Jai Jhulelal Comment: Do I get reservation? Will the census reveal that my community has benefited and grown because of reservations? If so, I am against caste census. My caste is Indian anyway. |
'Can't believe our politicians still want us to be slaves of caste'
3893 : May 30, 2010, 7:22 pm Signed by: bharat Comment: column of cast should be removed from everybidy's name. comalsaryly intercast marraige system must be adopted so that next generation dosnt have any caste to discuss. |
3892 : May 30, 2010, 7:19 pm Signed by: Kashif Comment: If peeople are so opposed to mentioning cast in census, they should do away with surnames and encourage intercast marriage not khap panchayat mentality |
3891 : May 30, 2010, 7:16 pm Signed by: Udit Comment: Agreed - My caste is Indian |
3890 : May 30, 2010, 7:15 pm Signed by: Vivekanand Comment: Even after 63 Years of Independence people are recognised with their caste,what would be biggest national shame than this????????? STOP STOP STOP!!!!!!!!!!! SUCH THINGS!!!!!!!!1 |
3889 : May 30, 2010, 7:14 pm Signed by: Victor Johri Comment: More important is to abolish caste system in India than to oppose caste census. What is harm in caste census? Caste system is very much prevelent in our country. With census at least we will know which are the castes falling far behind. We can then develop some policies to help those brothers and sisters. To abolish caste system same caste marriages should be banned. Only inter-caste marriages should be allowed. |
3888 : May 30, 2010, 7:12 pm Signed by: Pardeep Comment: 'CASTE system' is opposed by some Saints like Guru Nanak Dev ji and by various scholars frm ancient times, i think the problem is 'CASTE system' not the reservation based on caste, as an Indian we shuld try to create awareness by spreading the message of love, unity, tolerance among every person, until CASTE system is there, issue of reservation cannot be solved, so there shuld be a campaign by every Indian to abhor the CASTE system so that we give respect and love people based on human values not on their caste, during independence when our leaders thought that reservation may help people from backward classes to come out from their age old discrimination and poverty by improving their financial condition, but now the reservation is misused by the people for whom it was made bec. Who r financially well even in reserved categories they r using it, poor people frm backward classes still not getting any benefit as they shuld get, thats why creamy layer in reserved categories shuld voluntarily apply in general categories, so that poor people can get the most of the benefit, again it is all the awareness and relaziation by the people that we have to sacrifices our selfishness for the benefit of our own backward classes, son /daughter of IAS officer or business man from backward classes does not need reservation, they are already uplifted, they shuld let the poor people from backward classes to get the most of the benefit by sacrificing their own selfish of getting rich and affluent in life... |
3887 : May 30, 2010, 7:11 pm Signed by: latha Comment: |
3886 : May 30, 2010, 7:10 pm Signed by: Anoop rohatgi Comment: |
3885 : May 30, 2010, 7:09 pm Signed by: MOHAN RS Comment: NO caste in census please ..... |
3884 : May 30, 2010, 7:06 pm Signed by: santosh Comment: caste has no brand value. The nation resembles a cricket team where batsman and bowlers are divided. |
3883 : May 30, 2010, 7:05 pm Signed by: s s sengar Comment: my cast is indian, my religion is indian, I am indian. |
3882 : May 30, 2010, 7:05 pm Signed by: Sunil Mathew Comment: Caste has always been misused by bloody politicians and in current India there are several caste based policies in all walk of life. Only people below certain income level should get the benefits of reservation... |
3881 : May 30, 2010, 7:04 pm Signed by: mailboxx Comment: How to abolish the caste system. The caste system must continue for some time at least. Ask the students who get into medicine, law, etc through caste to treat or operate upon our politicians. The politicians will be dead soon. And caste system will get wiped out with the death of the death of the politicians.continue the caste system until such time that we dont have politicians left. After that abolish it. |
3880 : May 30, 2010, 7:03 pm Signed by: Hemali Comment: We should be forward looking and scrap the casteism from all aspects of life. Can't believe that our political leaders still want us to be slaves in the hands of social evil called Casteism!!! |
3879 : May 30, 2010, 7:03 pm Signed by: mailboxx Comment: How to abolish the caste system. The caste system must continue for some time at least. Ask the students who get into medicine, law, etc through caste to treat or operate upon our politicians. The politicians will be dead soon. And caste system will get wiped out with the death of the death of the politicians.continue the caste system until such time that we dont have politicians left. After that abolish it. |
3878 : May 30, 2010, 7:03 pm Signed by: Phanindra Comment: F**K ppl who wants caste reservations |
3877 : May 30, 2010, 7:00 pm Signed by: Shwetav Agarwal Comment: Compartmentalization - religious, national or otherwise - suffocates me. I am life in a human body, spirit in a human form. I am free. |
3876 : May 30, 2010, 6:58 pm Signed by: Anuradha Kumari Comment: INDIA is progressing and so also the Indian engineerings/ doctors/ technocrats etc. We are now poised to become a SUPERPOWER in this century? But, when we are going to have mature POLITICANS?? Only in this field, we lack choices...... Why? Is there any dearth of HONEST, UPRIGHT and SMART people in INDIA who can lead us in POLITICAL FIELD also? NO country will become great by looking backward..... We really lack GOOD leadership who understands the plight, problems of INDIA and INDIANS! There are very few politicans who have mass support/ an ALL INDIA appeal! The BEST ANSWER to all woes of country is to eradicate Poverty and educate all people. |
3875 : May 30, 2010, 6:56 pm Signed by: Vijay Vir Mangla Comment: On th ebasis of caste, Mayawati, Lalu parsad & sons, Mulayam Singh & sons and all elite should get prefential treatment,is it not a paradox. No longer caste is a criterion to view society. |
3874 : May 30, 2010, 6:49 pm Signed by: Surya Comment: |
3873 : May 30, 2010, 6:48 pm Signed by: Hedonist Comment: I AM FOR CASTE CENSUS |
3872 : May 30, 2010, 6:48 pm Signed by: jitendra kumar Comment: no typecasting. |
3871 : May 30, 2010, 6:47 pm Signed by: Hasan Babar Comment: Don't promote casteism,promote Indianeism |
3870 : May 30, 2010, 6:44 pm Signed by: Prakash Kumar Comment: its simply not justifiable |
3869 : May 30, 2010, 6:41 pm Signed by: Nitin Grover Comment: Hi everyone, I'm not against any caste; instead I'm against depriving anybody because of his/her caste or religion. My appeal to govt is not to use reservation in Jobs & education. Your purpose is to help under-privileged to come into main stream, so make the education free for the under-privileged classes but no reservation. And decide the under-privileged classes on economic grounds not on caste grounds. Otherwise son of a SC IAS will also come under under-privileged class. |
3868 : May 30, 2010, 6:41 pm Signed by: lakshmanarao Comment: |
3867 : May 30, 2010, 6:38 pm Signed by: Suresh benade Comment: Stope dividing the nation on cast basis . Indian is our true cast and relgeon . the reservartion should be only on economic class basis . |
3866 : May 30, 2010, 6:36 pm Signed by: rajan Comment: what we are going where i dont know.always we have to use the word im indian first,i dont think cast going to any improw,we are one india we are one hindustan,thats my policy |
3865 : May 30, 2010, 6:35 pm Signed by: Sundar K Comment: |
3864 : May 30, 2010, 6:35 pm Signed by: KAMAL JAISWAL Comment: caste has been eating our social fabrics.now it is time to stand up against some vested interests who still want to continue for their own benefits. |
3863 : May 30, 2010, 6:34 pm Signed by: Rakesh Comment: Due to this caste crises so many died so i want a single caste a "INDIAN CASTE" |
3862 : May 30, 2010, 6:34 pm Signed by: Raj Rajan Comment: My cast is Indian |
3861 : May 30, 2010, 4:58 pm Signed by: vijay Comment: Politicians are the biggest threat to our country |
3860 : May 30, 2010, 4:57 pm Signed by: vijay Comment: Politicians are the biggest threat to our country |
3859 : May 30, 2010, 4:48 pm Signed by: L N Maheshwari Comment: It will be a futile exercise.In next 20-30years more inter cast love marriage will take place resulting elimination of cast system. |
3858 : May 30, 2010, 4:46 pm Signed by: manish Comment: A total nonsense move aimed at further dividing people in india to remain in power...... total ridiculous.... just do one thing..... achieve 1 target.... 100% literacy... atleast SSC compulsary at cost of government if poor cant afford.... this can change india |
3857 : May 30, 2010, 4:39 pm Signed by: Jayachandra Reddy Comment: Caste based system is biggest hurdle in Indian progress so it should be removed. Only name, age, gender, and present occupation is enough. Religion also should be removed. |
3856 : May 30, 2010, 4:36 pm Signed by: shiv Comment: caste has no place in secular india so is gotra & absolutely khap we will not tolerate moral policing in any form |
3855 : May 30, 2010, 4:35 pm Signed by: BALAJI SRINIVASAN Comment: First we should accept we are all humans. Everybody in this universe are same and should give equal respect and have equal rights. |
3854 : May 30, 2010, 4:34 pm Signed by: Saswat Comment: I am against the caste census. It is enough to recognise all our people as "Indian". There are matters more important to document and to take action on. |
3853 : May 30, 2010, 4:31 pm Signed by: HArish Comment: Iam an Indian and the cast is indian... All indians are HINDUS... and All Hindus are Indians... Only Hindus love India... ANd all muslims, christians, Sikhs, Parsis Who love india are considered as Hindus as they love india... Jai Hind |
3852 : May 30, 2010, 4:21 pm Signed by: Ranjay Kumar Comment: Politicians are still working on the old concept Divide and Rule . Shame |
3850 : May 30, 2010, 11:59 am Signed by: vyjesh Comment: Many a times I faced this question, "what is your caste?" I would promptly reply (scratching my head) "I don't understand what you are asking about???!!!" |
3849 : May 30, 2010, 9:46 am Signed by: Gagan Bihari Nayak Comment: Caste and religion only creates a division and should not be there in any of the documents. Let people belongs to the community they are but no need to be tagged as hindu, Muslim etc.or Branhin, khndayat etc. Let us be proud to be an Indian and nothing more than that. |
3848 : May 30, 2010, 9:03 am Signed by: Javali Gururajendra. Comment: |
3847 : May 30, 2010, 12:35 am Signed by: Taral Comment: |
3846 : May 30, 2010, 12:31 am Signed by: Susanta Patra Comment: |
3845 : May 29, 2010, 9:55 pm Signed by: Viswanath M Padmanabhan Comment: Sometime ago a leading daily had this editorial which glorified India's pluralistic society going as far as to say that India is singularly plural. I hope this plurality remains as one whole word and not as two singularities. My caste is Indian. |
3844 : May 29, 2010, 9:48 pm Signed by: Balaji Srinivasan Comment: |
3843 : May 29, 2010, 6:53 pm Signed by: anoop Comment: WE MUST LOOK TO THE FUTURE NOT THE PAST.. |
'Let us evolve into a society that does not differentiate between humans'
3842 : May 29, 2010, 6:42 pm Signed by: Anand Dugar Comment: This move will divide our society in much more smaller divisions. Any how this data will not be usefull for common man any way. Politicians (especially Congress) should have some sence of respocibility and shame. I am only INDIAN......... |
3841 : May 29, 2010, 4:28 pm Signed by: vijay Comment: |
3840 : May 29, 2010, 3:39 pm Signed by: Jayan Comment: Well., there is nothing harm in census and collect all the datas including cast.. The relegion created for development so as cast., if there is no cast then there will be something else, different divisions atleast., so having cast system doenst seems to be negetive rather positive.. One more thing it is gud to have known the actual categories and to know who is minor (though i dont personally feel this creatation of minor category) as all are Indians i dont know who they are minor to?... It is all for vote Bank.. Congress is making so much drama for giving various soaps for pleasing in the name of minority... Actually the very Hindustan is devided from Hindus this idiotic congress... It is basically becase of their forefathers/mothers who are not really Indians or Hindus.. After this census.., all the reservation to be removed and the if at all the reservation is requried., it shud be based on wealth nothing else... if you deviate things for pleasing minority., the quality will remain in stake.. so as the minority will never come up.. the opportunity are lying there let anyone grab... ofcourse the below poverty line (that too is to be checked thoroughly) regardless of cast or relegion to be given what is possible to be given while not compromising for any quality in terms of education etc.. Jayan |
3839 : May 29, 2010, 3:29 pm Signed by: Shantanu Comment: Indian by heart, Indian by soul |
3838 : May 29, 2010, 12:32 pm Signed by: PARTHA NARAYAN Comment: |
3837 : May 29, 2010, 9:42 am Signed by: Saikat Roy Comment: We all are human being & Only represent our country - India in all respect. We should emphasize on our nationality and humanity (how an individual could be a good human being), not on our caste / religion which is once again noting but a belief / choice. We can ignore our religion but not our Nationality. If you are an Indian - so never hesitate to say Jay Hind... irrespective of caste / religion you belongs to.. |
3836 : May 29, 2010, 7:01 am Signed by: m Comment: This subcontinent has not just given birth to 'ideas' of unity within diversity found nowhere in the whole world but has manufactured millions of people like u and me who simply cannot believe in anything but merit, sacrifice and seva. throw this bill and clean the parliament and our minds. |
3835 : May 29, 2010, 12:24 am Signed by: Kamlesh B Shah Comment: |
3834 : May 28, 2010, 10:44 pm Signed by: Dinakaran Comment: I AM AN INDIAN... NOTHING ELSE.. AND I DONOT WANT ANY MORE IDENTITY THAN THIS... JAI HIND... BHARAT MAATA KI JAI... |
3833 : May 28, 2010, 10:01 pm Signed by: Mohan Roy Garige Comment: |
3832 : May 28, 2010, 9:56 pm Signed by: MAKHIZHNAN Comment: Please remove this "Including of caste in census" campaign. We all are Indians. Be a INDIAN. PROUD TO BE INDIAN. |
3831 : May 28, 2010, 9:54 pm Signed by: SWATHI ALA Comment: |
3830 : May 28, 2010, 9:38 pm Signed by: manoj Comment: |
3829 : May 28, 2010, 9:26 pm Signed by: Venkat Comment: I am highly dissillusioned and dissappointed by the fact that a highly educated PM has kicked off this excersice which will make our country more feudal than before. Really sad turn of things for India as a country!! |
3828 : May 28, 2010, 7:56 pm Signed by: debasish Comment: |
3827 : May 28, 2010, 6:21 pm Signed by: Saurabh Comment: Caste has no role to play in Indian census. this will again give rise to Mandalism! Political groups will have something to shout for and waste the taxpayers money by protesting undemocratically in Parliament. Iam against caste census. |
3826 : May 28, 2010, 6:17 pm Signed by: Sharvil Desai Comment: I've got to say one thing. Till we Indians do not take decisions of our life and country with minds rather than heart, nothings gonna change. Politicians will always play the lower cast upper cast politics. We are just votes for them. Still I'm an Indian and I'm proud to have lived in this phase of India. |
3825 : May 28, 2010, 5:55 pm Signed by: Meena Rajbhar Comment: no caste system, no reservations, everything on basis of merit be it education or election |
3824 : May 28, 2010, 4:07 pm Signed by: Kumar Comment: Census should take caste into consideration. We indians need to know how many people in each caste is present in our country. REDIFF stop this campaign. Instead you give your readers a chane to Vote. Shame on You rediff. I support caste based census. jaiHind |
3823 : May 28, 2010, 3:57 pm Signed by: Suresh Comment: Let us not go backwards. Let us evolve into a society that does not differentiate between humans |